The New Asian Order How close is the US to bringing its Central - TopicsExpress


The New Asian Order How close is the US to bringing its Central Asian oil to the International market? Its very close. The present scene in West Asia is the conflict between the Wahhabi kings and Secular and multi-ethnic Democracies like Syria. The latter’s existence cannot be tolerated by the Wahhabis because just as the US and Christian forces want the total control of oil the Wahabbis want the total control of the middle east. It is in this scenario that the new Asian order is being set. Khyrgistan has asked the US to remove its base from its soil. This is a set back. The US and its NATO allies were the original creators of both Al Qaeda and Taliban. The first was created in New York to oust the Russians from Afghanistan. The second was created with the help of the Pakistani ISI to change the non-Wahabbi regime. For sometime there was difference because of the drug trade. It is now resolved and the CIA will continue sharing the drug revenue with them so that it can destabilize the secular and democratic regimes in Asia and Africa with this revenue. The Syrian rebels are one glaring example. The meeting in Doha was to settle the transfer of Afghanistan to the Taliban but the Wahabbis in their exuberance showcased the Taliban as the next rulers of the Islamic State of Afghanistan. This riled Karzai who till date has obeyed the Christian and Wahhabi powers to the letter. He knows that he will be hanged immediately after the Taliban come to power. His only recourse is to appeal to the liberal Afghanistanis who the Americans call the warlords. These are the real patriots. In case there is a civil war Afghanistan will be divided like Korea; north and south. After the defeat of the Khwariji rebels in Syria the Christian and Wahhabi powers have to escalate the war. Taliban is being recruited to become the ground force against the Iranis. The US had set up, of course, very conveniently a security related meeting with India. Whose security of course has not been defined. If the Doha conclave had been successful the US would have tried to persuade India to send its troops to Afghanistan to maintain law and order or in other words to fill the vacuum left by it in 2014 when it leaves. This would enable the Taliban to concentrate on Iran. Mujahidine Khalq etc are already in place. Their area of influence is from Zahedan to Mazandran. Pakistani Wahhabi recruits can infiltrate through Zahedan and Caucus ones from Mazandran. This may not be immediately possible because of the Doha failure. All said and done India is being coaxed and coerced into a conflict as a proxy for the US. Should we do it? Think about it.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 16:40:57 +0000

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