The New Message of God is the Truth Ive been waiting for. When I - TopicsExpress


The New Message of God is the Truth Ive been waiting for. When I was young I just assumed everyone listened to their inner guidance. I trusted that people would not produce food that wasnt good for our body and assumed that people would make things to last a long time. Well it didnt take too long to find out that this wasnt happening and that they had even invented a bomb that split the base molecules of life apart. Don’t tell me these scientists didnt each know the gravity of what they were doing. Whether government pressure, professional or idyllic egos got in their way they had that moment of question, we all have, whether it’s the right or wrong. Religion made some sense in the world for me, in between their rules, imposed for control as in all institutions for both organization and or profit do. Science made sense but left no room for the un-provable. I mean come on, miracles happen! They are a statement to that to which we have not yet discovered. They should have more merit. To me science is just the discovery of the creation of life; and then, there is “The” question of the origin of the creation of life: God, Jehovah, Allah, The Big Bang, Source, Creator… pick a name it’s all the same. Graduating from religion, the metaphysical world became my home, but even that turned out to be floundering and insecure. After awhile it seemed like the world was inhabited by humans that were either “Pollyanna” living in a make believe world where everything would turn out just right, where aliens or a spiritual being would save us; or a band of cynical conspiracist where everything was done with mal-intent, where there was no room for practical error. All while chem-trails (Aluminum, Barium, Strontium +) filled the skies and change our weather drastically without adequate explanation from those in leadership, and all while people eagerly awaited Armageddon, 2012, polar shift, solar flares, Nibiru…, just to feel they are correct in sensing the doom of the world! We are in peril; We know it; We feel it. We hope someone will save us, but this is a choice not to be responsible or that we truly believe that we are innocent and are worthy to be saved above others. We blame out of the fear of helplessness to save ourselves. WE can make the difference needed in our world by following that guidance we all have deep inside. It doesnt come out in a detailed plan for us to take hold of, control and manipulate; it comes moment to moment; it comes as a long time knowing; it rings when it is true and resonates deep within. In the New Message presented by Marshall Vian Summers, I feel the truth resonate in my soul because I recognize it. I know what it feels like to FINALLY HEAR THE TRUTH in my life time. Now I have confirmation to move forward and pass on what I have learned. Check it out! https://youtube/watch?v=FG__BcFx3tU
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 23:30:28 +0000

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