“The New World Order would be fully implemented once the - TopicsExpress


“The New World Order would be fully implemented once the conspirators have accomplished their goal of reducing by any means necessary the population of this planet to no more than 15 percent of the current levels. After the conspirators reach that goal, they will lower the economic means of the surviving serfs to pre-industrial levels of consumption. In contrast, the very few masters will live in the opulence, enjoying all the benefits of the post-industrial revolution. How they plan to accomplish that? One way may have been using bare force, in the Hitler, Stalin or Castro fashion. Nevertheless, as I explained above in this book, the conspirators have no armies, so they concluded that the only way to without the enemy was by conquering their minds. That way they would accept without complaining the reduction of their standards of living to pre-industrial levels of consumption, or even being killed, as necessary steps that need to be taken, as the lesser of two evils, in order for planet earth to survive. Obviously, convincing people to willingly accept their own economic and physical destruction, and even cooperate with it, is not an easy task. So, to achieve their goal, the conspirators resorted to the most modern technique of psychological mind control, most of them developed and successfully tested during WWII. Probably the best-known scientist who sold his soul to the conspirators was British Fabian Bertrand Russell. In his 1951 book The Impact of Science on Society, Russell saw education as a perfect modern tool of mass brainwashing and mind control through propaganda. He explained in detail the future techniques of mind control: Physiology and psychology afford fields for scientific technique which still await development. Two great men, Pavlov and Freud have laid the foundation. I do not accept the view that they are in any essential conflict, but what structure will be built on their foundations is still in doubt. I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology….Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called “education.” Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one; the press, the cinema, and the radio play an increasing part….It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment. The subject will make great articles when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship….The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at. First, that the influence of home is obstructive. Second, that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten. Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity. But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark gray. Yet, Russell warned the conspirators about the risk of allowing these powerful techniques to fall into the hands of the populace. Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rightly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen. Another important scientist who contributed to the developing of mind-control techniques was Aldous Huxley. Speaking in 1961 at the California Medical School in San Francisco, he forecasted, There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak. Producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution. In his 1949 novel 1984, George Orwell described a future totalitarian society very similar to what the conspirators have in mind, in which mind control is reached through constant repetition of messages from a TV set people are forced to keep on most of the day. What never crossed Orwell’s mind, however, was that some day people would voluntarily have similar devices at home, pay for them, and even enjoy the continuous flow of mesmerizing propaganda. Currently, in the average American home television is turned on seven hours a day. Reality always surpasses fiction. This was in the people’s minds, which began in Woodrow Wilson’s times and is still going on, has been so subtle and effective that most of the victims have totally missed it. Some have blamed the gradual disintegration of America’s economy, culture and values on different causes: party politics, greed, ignorance, communist ideology, etc. Just a few, however, have seen the true nature of this underground war in the people’s minds. One of them was Senator Jesse Helms. Speaking before the Senate on December 15, 1987, Senator Helms pointed right to the true nature as well as the source of the attack: The campaign against the American people—against traditional American culture and values—is systematic psychological warfare. It is orchestrated by a vast array of interests comprising not only the Eastern establishment but also the radical left. Among this group we find the Department of State, the Department of Commerce, the money center banks and multinational corporations, the media, the educational establishment, the entertainment industry, and the large tax-exempt foundations.” SERVANDO GONZALEZ bookdepository/Psychological-Warfare-New-World-Order-Servando-Gonzalez/9780932367235
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 18:07:34 +0000

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