The New York Times Gaza’s Mounting Death Toll By THE - TopicsExpress


The New York Times Gaza’s Mounting Death Toll By THE EDITORIAL BOARDJULY 24, 2014 These days, even a school — clearly identified as a shelter run by the United Nations — cannot protect Palestinian civilians in Gaza from deadly attacks. Located in the northern Gaza town of Beit Hanoun, it was struck multiple times on Thursday as people who had taken refuge there were gathering in the courtyard and preparing to flee. At least 16 of them were killed, bringing the total death toll in 17 days of war to more than 750, a vast majority being Palestinian civilians. There are competing charges over who carried out the attack — Israel; Hamas, which controls Gaza; or one of Hamas’s allies — and that could take time to sort out. What really matters now is that some way be found to stop this carnage. The war is terrorizing innocent people on both sides of the border, fomenting more hatred, creating an ever larger appetite for vengeance and ensuring that the cycle of violence will be repeated, if not right away then surely at some point in the future. It is past time for an immediate cease-fire and for a political strategy that offers the hope of a more stable future for both Israelis and Palestinians. Israeli officials say they have taken pains not to harm civilians. They also say they did not target the Beit Hanoun school, suggesting that Hamas may have struck the facility by mistake. Surely, Israel has reason to take strong military action against the barrage of rockets on its territory and to destroy Hamas’s underground tunnels. Yet no one can be indifferent to the fact that innocents are paying an intolerable cost for being caught in the middle. It is fair to ask whether Israel is doing enough to prevent that. According to a United Nations official in New York, at least 72 United Nations schools, hospitals and offices have been damaged in the fighting, even though they are clearly marked. At the same time, the United Nations did not enhance its own credibility and influence when its Human Rights Council focused entirely on Israel in a resolution on Wednesday, opening an inquiry into possible Gaza-related human rights violations. Hamas also deserves scrutiny, as well as the strongest possible condemnation for storing and launching rockets in heavily populated areas, knowing full well they would draw Israeli fire to places where civilians live. Unlike Israel, Hamas has not built bomb shelters where civilians can seek refuge. And even as war rages and his people are exposed, Hamas’s political leader, Khaled Meshal, has been safely ensconced at his exile home in Qatar. Perversely, things seem to be going his way. The Times reported that Hamas, which is committed to Israel’s destruction and was in a weakened political position before the war, is now being hailed among Palestinians in the West Bank as a champion. And, the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, a moderate, is being faulted for not achieving a Palestinian state in negotiations with Israel. Israel’s interest would be ill-served if Mr. Abbas ends up being marginalized while the hard-liners are empowered. Any cease-fire should be structured to help strengthen Mr. Abbas’s position. Secretary of State John Kerry has been working feverishly to get a cease-fire, but his mission is hugely complicated. Meanwhile, the killing goes on.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 14:18:38 +0000

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