The Nine Special Qualities or Virtues of the Lord Buddha (1) - TopicsExpress


The Nine Special Qualities or Virtues of the Lord Buddha (1) The Accomplished One (Arahan): The “Visuddhimagga” mention, Arahan (Accomplished) has five definitions: The Blessed One is accomplished because Buddha is far away from all the defilements (kilesa), destroyed the defilement enemies, destroyed all the wheel’s spokes of life flux (Sansara), worthy of requisites and respect, devoid of secret evil-doing. (2) The Perfectly Enlightened One (Sammasambuddho): The Lord Buddha is the Perfectly Enlightened One because the blessed one has known all things rightly by Himself. In fact, the blessed one has known all the things, knowable things as knowable, comprehensible things as comprehensible, removable things as removable, realizable things as realizable, and things that may be developed as such. (3) The Endowed One with Knowledge and Conduct (Vijjacharanaasampanno): The Lord Buddha is One who is endowed with eight kinds of higher knowledge (Vijja) and fifteen kinds of good conduct (Carana). They are: 1. Insight knowledge (Vipassana), With this knowledge, Buddha knows, “my body is material, made from four great elements, born of mother and father, fed on rice and gruel impermanent, liable to be injured and abraded, broken and destroyed, and this is my consciousness which is bound to it and dependent on it. 2. Knowledge of supernormal powers (Iddivida ): flying through the air, of walking on water, of dividing the earth, creating forms etc. 3. The divine Ear (Dibbasota) 4. The divine power to discern the thoughts of others (Cetopariya) 5. The mental power to create a smaller replica within ones own body (Manomayiddhi). 6. Knowledge to remember past lives of self and Other (Pubbenivasanussati). 7. The Divine Eye (Dibbachakku) 8. Knowledge required to extinguish the supramundane passions (Asavakkhaya). There are fifteen virtuous conducts (Carana) , namely:- 1. Faith in kamma (Law of Moral Causation) and its results, Triple Gems, Future lives etc; (Saddha) 2. Mindfulness in performing meritorious deeds (Sati) 3. Shame to do evil (Hiri) 4. Fear to do evil (Otappa) 5. Endeavour to perform meritorious deeds (Viriya) 6. Broad-Knowledge (Sruta) 7. Wisdom (Panna) 8. Knowledge of properly diet (Bhojanamattannu) 9. Devotion to alertness ( Jagariyanuyoga) 10. Guarding the doors of sense faculties ( Indriyasamvara ) 11. Restraint Through virtue (Sila) 12. First Jhana Concentration (Pathamajjhana) 13. Second Jhana Concentration (Dutiyajjhana) 14. Third Jhana Concentration (Tatiyajjhana) 15. Fourth Jhana Concentration (Catutthajjhana). (4) The Well-gone One or The Well- spoken One (Sugata): The term “Sugata” has two definitions: One who has gone to the deathless “Nibbana” and One who speaks rightly, (It means that the Lord Buddha speaks only fitting speech in the fitting place). The Six Kinds of Speech are as follows: 1. The first one which is untrue, incorrect, and unbeneficial, and unwelcome and disagreeable to others, 2. the second which is true and correct, but unbeneficial, and unwelcome and disagreeable to others, 3. the third which is true, correct, and beneficial, but unwelcome and disagreeable to others, 4. the fourth which is untrue, incorrect, and unbeneficial, but welcome and agreeable to others, 5. the fifth which is true and correct but unbeneficial, and welcome and agreeable to others, 6. the sixth which is true and correct, and beneficial, and welcome and agreeable to others. Of them, only the third and sixth are the two kinds of speech that the Lord Buddha speaks because those are true, correct, and beneficial. (5) The Knower of the Worlds (Lokavidu): The Buddha is the Knower of Worlds because He has known the world in all ways. There are Three Kinds of World: 1.The world of formations (Sankaraloka), 2. The world of beings (Sattaloka), 3. The world of location (Okasaloka). (6) The Incomparable Leader of men to be Tamed (Anuttaro Purisadammasarathi): The Buddha surpasses the whole world in the special qualities of virtue concentration, understanding, deliverance, and knowledge and vision of deliverance, so He is the Incomparable Leader (Master) of men to be tamed. (7) The Teacher of Celestial and Human Beings (Sattha Devamanussanan): It is usual for religious masters to seek advice or teaching from the deities or gods, but this would never happen in the case of the Buddha. The deities are also beings caught in the round of rebirths because they could not find the way out of it. The Buddha did not seek counsel from human beings either, and relied solely on His knowledge of the Dhamma. On the other hand, deities and human beings merely come to him for counsel or advice and teaching, thus the blessed one is the teacher of them. (8) The Enlightened One (Buddho): The Lord has discovered the Four Noble Truths by Himself and awakened others to them, thus He is enlightened. The Four Noble Truths that He has discovered are: 1.The truth of suffering, 2.The truth of the cause of suffering, 3.The truth of the cessation of suffering, 4.The truth of the way leading to the cessation of suffering. (9) The Blessed One (Bhagava): The Buddha is endowed with the six things: 1. Lordship [Issariya], 2. Doctrine [Dhamma], 3. Fame [Yasa], 4. Glory [Siri], 5. Wish [Kama], and 6. Endeavor [Payatta], thus He is called the Blessed One. Those are the nine Noble Qualities of the Lord Buddha that is very much useful in recollection of Lord Buddhas qualities or “Buddhanusati” meditation. May all beings be well and happy and attain the “Nibbana.”
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 19:21:51 +0000

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