The No voter has to be won round,they are human beings like all of - TopicsExpress


The No voter has to be won round,they are human beings like all of us and none of us are perfect so please lets drop the blame game and keep educating everybody as to the REAL agenda of Westminter and the Unionists and we can change everything.People can be changed but we also have to change and be wise in a time of trial.Robert the Bruce and the story of how he watched the spider is educational for us YES Voters ,seven times the spider swung and on the seventh try he was successful,Rome as they say was not built in a day and neither will Independence be and its something worth fighting for so lets flee from this narrow viewpoint,underrstandable though it is with our dissappointment at losing this time around and if you think about it with all the media with a few honourable exceptions out to get us our 45% is absolutely amazing and how we generated voter turnout to historic numbers,we can do that again and more if we are canny and careful and do not stoop to name calling but be stateman like in defeat but stronger for the War knowing that was just a battle but they can never take our Battle cry from us and that is Freedom and those who have steel in their veins will fight on till Independence comes or death takes us.For me when I die (again) it will be because I know already Ithrew the Flag of Battle to someone else to carry it on and through to final victory and then they start to rebuild our Nation.It will not be easy but nothing worthwhile is ever easy and if we fall at the first hurdle and do not bother to get up and keep running,we were never fit to carry it anyway,lets re-educate and liberate our people from the Fear tactics they have been subject to from the no chance fear Campaign.Under the flag of good Saint Andrew and the Scottish Rampant Lion thats where you will find me and all the others,aye and all the others we all convinced and that others convinced.Think wisely, think widely get,out of that narrow political spectrum we are all used to thinking in and go for Liberty,go for Freedom.Scotland Yet Photo: The No voter has to be won round,they are human beings like all of us and none of us are perfect so please lets drop the blame game and keep educating everybody as to the REAL agenda of Westminter and the Unionists and we can change everything.People can be changed but we also have to change and be wise in a time of trial.Robert the Bruce and the story of how he watched the spider is educational for us YES Voters ,seven times the spider swung and on the seventh try he was successful,Rome as they say was not built in a day and neither will Independence be and its something worth fighting for so lets flee from this narrow viewpoint,underrstandable though it is with our dissappointment at losing this time around and if you think about it with all the media with a few honourable exceptions out to get us our 45% is absolutely amazing and how we generated voter turnout to historic numbers,we can do that again and more if we are canny and careful and do not stoop to name calling but be stateman like in defeat but stronger for the War knowing that was just a battle but they can never take our Battle cry from us and that is Freedom and those who have steel in their veins will fight on till Independence comes or death takes us.For me when I die (again) it will be because I know already Ithrew the Flag of Battle to someone else to carry it on and through to final victory and then they start to rebuild our Nation.It will not be easy but nothing worthwhile is ever easy and if we fall at the first hurdle and do not bother to get up and keep running,we were never fit to carry it anyway,lets re-educate and liberate our people from the Fear tactics they have been subject to from the no chance fear Campaign.Under the flag of good Saint Andrew and the Scottish Rampant Lion thats where you will find me and all the others,aye and all the others we all convinced and that others convinced.Think wisely, think widely get,out of that narrow political spectrum we are all used to thinking in and go for Liberty,go for Freedom.Scotland Yet
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 14:40:26 +0000

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