The Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) uttered in - TopicsExpress


The Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) uttered in the sermon He commanded in the last day of the month of Shaban: O mankind! An important and blessed month has approached; its shadow has stood over your heads. It is such a month that, The Night of Power, which is better than a thousand months, exists in it. God commanded fasting during its days and legitimated voluntary prayers during its nights. A man who does a small favor in this month acquires the rewards of fulfilling an obligation (fardh) in the other months. Performing an obligation (fardh) in this month is regarded as seventy fold rewards of performing the same obligation in the other months. This is the month of enduring and bearing the hardships of hunger, thirst, praying and worshipping for the sake of Allah. The reward of the patience is Paradise. This is the month of solidarity; this month increases the rizq (sustenance) of believers. In this month, whoever hosts a fast-breaking meal for a fasting believer, this act will result in being forgiven from all his sins and being set free from Hell. He will also acquire rewards as much as that fasting person acquires from his fast without any decrease in the fasting person’s rewards. Some of the noble companions of the prophet said:”O Allah’s Messenger! Some of us are not rich enough to host a fast-breaking meal.” Then, the Noble Messenger (PBUH) uttered: “Allah gives those rewards to anyone who offers a fasting believer even a date, a drink of water or a sip of milk.” He went on His sermon as follows: The first period of this month is mercy, its middle is forgiveness and the last period is being set free from Hell. In this month, Allah forgives and protects from Hell the one who eases his servant’s and employee’s duties. For those bounties, I will inform you about four qualities; in this month, you will please your Lord by means of two of them and you shall never give up doing the other two. One of the characteristics that causes to please your Lord is to continue reciting kalmia shahada, and the other is to ask forgiveness from Allah. One of the characteristics that you shall never give up is to ask Allah to send you to Paradise; the other is to take refuge in Allah from Hell. Whoever gives a drink of water to a fasting person, God will let him drink such a water from my pool on the Day of Judgment Day that he will never get thirsty until he enters Paradise. (At-Targhib wa’t-Tarhib, 2:94-95)
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 06:48:34 +0000

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