The Nommo Home World of Nommos The planet is revealed as an - TopicsExpress


The Nommo Home World of Nommos The planet is revealed as an aquatic waterworld and we begin to see signs of civilization. Strange, winged creatures fly about in groups, and long tube-like pathways are barely visible on the ocean surface. Over head, 2 fast moving flying machines(Zeebos) zip past us in a bright display of colors and sounds. These are the main method of local transportation on Nommos. Spherical, personal-sized, water-filled, craft, that use gravity rings around stepping discs to maneuver around in the air/water. In the hands of skilled nommo, these can display incredible acts of acrobatics and gut wrenching dives. The only controls are an uplink interface which attaches to the head. As the spheres move around in the air we see a playful display of moves out and around each other. We get a closer look and see a Nommo inside : Oannes, and what appears to be a female counterpart flying nearby,smirking back through the watery layer of the ships hull across the sky. Nommo have names that are utterly unpronounceable by human beings, based on tones and musical intervals, the nommo can speak in a sort of musical harmony which makes it quite pleasant to the human ear, except when a Nommo is angry. Our nommo pair is clearly having some fun racing across the planet surface. There are structures every couple of miles sticking out from the ocean that seems to imply a much larger civilization underneath it all. Through these structures they begin to weave and zip through as they try to out do each other. This is extremely dangerous and at one point Oannes is almost crashed into the side of one of the towers by the female. They finally have enough and decide to continue their normal route. They spot an opening on one of the tube paths coming from the ocean, and begin their decent. Immediately upon entering these, the crafts take on a sort of auto pilot and we see them relax and take on a more casual pose. Talk happens back and forth about how she almost got him killed. She teases on about how hes being a little nommo girl. As their automated journey through the underwater transportation system continues we begin to grasp the true size of the Nommos world, it is enormous. The surface structures now only seem to be a small percent of the actual civilization, as we can see under water cities and a vast network of water tunnels carrying Nommo to and from their destinations. Their journey begins to slow as we reach what appears to be the capital city, a spectacular oasis of light and architectural wonder. Being very near the bottom of the ocean floor the size of these structures is limited only by imagination, and the Nommo have a very good one. Building structures stretch for miles at a time. Reaching their destination, one of the central pillars, their craft slow down and come to a smooth halt. The insides of the buildings are all oxygenated and water is kept at bay for the most part, by energy barriers, the Nommo seem comfortable in and out of water. As they exit their craft they exchange remarks and formal greetings. It appears they are more than just friends, but cannot show it in public. There seems to be some kind of commotion goin on as Nommo are picking up their paces and running toward one of the command hubs. Ri, his companion, makes her way off to her own station on the far end of the command center. Oannes makes his way over to the command hub with a hastier pace and as he reaches it, comes to a large concentration of nommo, larger than is usually expected for some kind of trouble in the local sector.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 11:32:09 +0000

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