The Nonsense American Zionists Pakistan has been suffering from - TopicsExpress


The Nonsense American Zionists Pakistan has been suffering from financial losses which are occurring constantly in various forms only due to US interference in Pakistani Politics since cold war and American Financial Grant through Emir of Kuwait to Pakistani Opposition in 1977. 9/11 Drama was played by the Americans and Israelis in Pakistan and Afghanistan and in order to make this drama very successful they sought help from Indians who are enemies of Pakistan by birth. The Americans always left Pakistan in doldrums in its fight with Indians because they seek to solve their own problems using shoulders of others. Apart from all other problems and difficulties which are resulting due to American Excretion in Pakistan can be highlighted as under: • Almost all Pakistani Products are smuggled to Afghanistan in order to feed the US Allies. The black money earned from this smuggling is brought to Pakistan as white money through third countries or it is invested worldwide. On one hand Pakistan is losing hard cash revenues and on other hand it is facing flight of capital, closure of factors and investments. • Killing of innocents such as women, children and elders through drones make the reason genuine for all outlaws to convert to terrorists. These attacks create the wave of hatred against the Americans and the Westerns not only in Pakistan but all over the Islamic States. Anyone whether is terrorist or not can’t succeed if he kills innocents, like women, children and elders because it invites wrath of Allah. • The international secret agencies such as CIA, MOSSAD and the RAW have been given clean chit to destroy Pakistan. These agencies are playing double games in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Pakistan who is sacrificing for the Americans is being victimized by hook or by crook. Core Issues: • Who doesn’t know that core issues of the Muslims are Kashmir and Palestine? Both issues are burning and flash point. I call the Americans with the word “nonsense” because they are not ready at all to solve the burning issues of Kashmir and Palestine. There is an Urdu Proverb “Chore ko na maro, chore ki ma ko maro” i.e. Don’t kill the thieve but kill his mother so that thieves are not borne. I believe that if core issues of Kashmir and Palestine are solved, almost all global terrorist activities will cease forthwith. Early Warning: It is my early warning to the Nonsense Americans that if they didn’t pay heed to solve the core issues, then no one can save the world from atomic war.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 06:11:33 +0000

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