The North Korean Dictatorship has my father and is using him in - TopicsExpress


The North Korean Dictatorship has my father and is using him in order to shake me and discredit my story. My father is no doubt afraid of them so yes, he is publically cursing or speaking out against his own son, and following orders given to him. This has hurt me more than i can describe in words, So in that sense, they have somewhat succeeded. They have gone so low. Its disturbing and pathetic of them. My However that is as far as that goes. I have in fact verified that it is definitely my father, and my father has indeed confirmed that I am his son. At this moment for my dads sake, Im going to find him. there are 3 options: First of all they are trying to cover up the severe human rights crisis by saying it doesnt exist and claiming they live freely (to the international commmunity) but if that were truly the case, they should let my father come freely to see where i live. If there really were nothing to hide in N.Korea they should let him go and see for himself 2. If the first thing cant be done then i request that they let ME go and see my father at any other location or country (meeting place whether it be in Switzerland etc..) 3. If #1 or #2 cannot be accomplished then that means I will have to go directly to N.Korea myself .. I would hate to have my father continue to suffer because of me. This is the only thing i can think of doing in the current circumstances. The North Korean regime needs to stop putting my father in this type of mental/physical/emotional pain. If in the case that my father had ever even done something wrong, wed forever have to pay back for what has been done and even if I die they will still endlessly inflict pain and suffering
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 13:48:38 +0000

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