The OP states We’ve found 76 ways Obama broke the law – if you - TopicsExpress


The OP states We’ve found 76 ways Obama broke the law – if you agree with the House Republicans suing the President then read up on each of the ways he’s broken the law. Except there isnt much reading to be done. The link takes you to the list, which in addition to not citing any laws or offering any other form of substance whatsoever, is really just a fundraising page disguised as a poll/survey. I mean, I shouldve seen that coming, considering youre only instructed to click the link and read up if you already agree with House Republicans. So, a lot of these you can easily dismissed offhand, but there are some gems in the 50s conveniently (and kind of weirdly) in succession: 53. President Obama told NASA administrator to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world. 54. Claimed the Fort Hood shooting was “workplace violence” rather than terrorism. 55. Signed a stimulus bill that spent money on bonuses for AIG executives, and then acted shocked and outraged at the bonuses. 56. Gave $535 million to Solyndra, which went bankrupt; Solyndra shareholders and officials made substantial donations to Obama’s campaign. 57. Reneged on a campaign promise to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term in office. 58. Increased the national debt more in one term than President Bush did in two terms. All pretense of illegality is lost, and this section is basically just a chunk of things we dont like about Obama. Or maybe theres something between the lines. Heres my interpretation: 53: Something or other MUSLIMS 54: Because when MUSLIMS do it, its a terrorist attack. When white non-Muslims do it, its a mental health issue. Or we agree with whoever did it, but if we dont, then please stop politicizing the issue. 55. Disingenuousness is only okay when we do it, and lets face it, were better at it. 56. And maybe if we keep bringing up this one talking point, the ghost of Ronald Reagan will bestow upon us an infinite supply of crude oil that will not have to be controlled by OPEC, or at the very least our base will BELIEVE that we have an infinite supply of crude oil and it wont be controlled by OPEC, because for the most part they already do. 57. He went back on a campaign promise. No president before him has ever done that (see # 55 on this list). We also enjoy getting as close to saying the N-word as possible, because wed really like to use the N-word, and its a damn shame that were not allowed to anymore. Reneged, reneged, reneged, reneged. Saying it a bunch of times helps, but its nowhere near as good as the real thing. 58. And one last item from our tangential departure from pretending like we all seriously believe this is list of criminal actions committed by a tyrant. Now that were on the subject of appropriation, well admit Bush was a bad president. But he was OUR bad president. Only WE get to use him as a benchmark for failure. You dig? I think I may have read a little too deeply into the last few, but when youre seriously trying to justify your sheer hatred for the president by pretending like hes acting so brazenly tyrannical, one has to wonder what this is really all about. Or not. Because YOU, National Republican Congressional Committee, do not necessarily HATE the president. But exploiting your bases easily combustable irrational hatred, under the guise of justice and liberty and whatever other excuse was most convenient, has been extremely profitable in regards to funding campaigns. So youll milk this mans presidency for all its worth, with no regard in the world for the damage it does to the nation you claim to love. You dont care. Its just a game to you. And that is why I believe you are more dangerous than any single standing president could ever possibly be.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 05:07:08 +0000

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