The Obama Amnesty fire fight.... (I would ask if you like this - TopicsExpress


The Obama Amnesty fire fight.... (I would ask if you like this post that you forward to your new Republican Congressperson and Senator for their consideration...) Tonight President Obama in defiance of the nations citizenry is going forth into new and uncharted waters with executive orders affecting millions of illegal aliens in our nation with the potential of creating a major social disorder compounded by an unfair tax burden to the citizens and reducing the job opportunities to the very citizens that need it the most our poor. We have heard several of the new and old leaders of the Republican party fire off idea after idea on what to do about this on the cable and network news but we have failed in having a uniform cohesive plan of attack in dealing with this unconstitutional action. Yes, it is an unconstitutional act that the president who I would like to add has sworn an oath to the best of his ability to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the united states, he is fully aware of the illegality of his actions and yet in direct defiance of his sworn oath is proceeding to act when it is clear in Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution that the rule of naturalization is reserved solely to the congress. The Republicans need to come together with a uniform plan to set in place immediately using perhaps some of the following items: 1.) The House should draft and release legislation defining the powers reserved to them in Article 1 Section 8 and in this reaffirmation decry and declare illegal any action or executive order by the president changing immigration rules. 2.) The Republican leadership of both houses should begin immediate conferencing together behind the scenes with leading republicans to develop a concise and effective plan of attack to be deployed on the first day of taking control of the new congress in January. 3.) The actions need to be swift certain and overwhelming to the president to forestall any further actions on other issues by executive actions that violate the separation of powers. 4.) The denial of funding for Obamas many czars, his pet projects, EPA regulations, the IRS all of those need to come to the chopping block and be severely reduced, funding for White house staffing, vacations, and any expenditures should all be minimalized and dramatically so. 5.) All hearings into the scandals need to be primed to go full speed ahead with serious contempt of congress rules enforced against those not complying fully. 6.) Impeachment should be of last resort at this time. It should not be brought forth till such time as overwhelming evidence is available to ensure a Senate vote count of 67 or greater. There must be a uniform and united front on dealing with Obama who is trying as hard as he can to drive a wedge into the incoming congress.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 09:46:12 +0000

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