The Obama plan has failed and no one is really surprised at the - TopicsExpress


The Obama plan has failed and no one is really surprised at the results. Not too many people realize that the troop reduction strategy is part of reducing the cost to the taxpayer. By reducing troops, the cost to project global dominance decreases. However, while the reduction of footprints in the Arabian sand took place, a shifting of the balance of power took place in the Pacific. China, North Korea, are till upping the antics. When you advertise that you will reduce troop strength, it is a red flare to any adversary. They are just biding time. Well, here is the time. As Henry Kissinger once said, Its not how you start a conflict but how you end it. Sadly, the Senior Counsel to the President didnt foresee how to end it properly. Diplomatically, there was pressure on the Iraqi leadership to forge ahead and solidify their government and military to be able to operate against future threats, but they failed. The combination of these two things......premature withdrawal of military forces and the Iraqi governments inability to come together to be stronger is a terrorists best option to topple any weak government. Now is not the time to talk about excuses. Monday morning quarterbacking is a very weak way to address the issue. We know that the president is weak in foreign affairs. Putin proved that. The thing is what is the next thing that must be done. 1. Return to theater and put the aggression to rest. It may involve putting troops on the ground (fast response action teams). 2. Put diplomatic pressure on the Iraqi government to get their house in order. 3. Involve the region Saudis, Jordan, and others. 4. Provide a time table to accomplish solidifying governmental power for the long term viability of the Iraqi people. 5. Within those time frames established, implement incentives that reward accomplishments.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 14:54:10 +0000

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