The Odingas, Pagan Rituals, Forces of Darkness and Baal Worship - TopicsExpress


The Odingas, Pagan Rituals, Forces of Darkness and Baal Worship in Luoland! · Since he took chewing a cud of satanic foolishness as a hobby, Raila Odinga has been making weird and shocking statements; ridiculously hateful and thoughtlessly ruinous proclamations; but crucially and very, very significant, unbeknownst to Kenyans, Raila is genuinely Anti- prayers, and quite apart from the jealousy associated with the huge crowds Kenyatta-Ruto peace-cum- prayer meetings are attracting juxtaposed with the waning crowd numbers at Raila’s rallies, he is the real manifestation of the opposite of what true prayers represent! · Religiosity and the Odingas are diametrically opposed. Take note of (another) despicable outburst (Star, March 19, 2012) during his meeting with ODM-KPU delegates at Sameta Lodge, in Kisii County on March, 17, 2012, which went as follows: “If you want to pray and prove your innocence, do it in your house with your wife and not in rallies.” · Be that as it may, today we must try and put things in some perspective. Source(s): RELIABLE. Name(s): WITHHELD. · Let us go straight to the subject matter: “A victory ceremony for a successful candidate in Nyanza ended in chaos in June 2008, after a rowdy section of the gathering disagreed with the presiding priest who thanked God in his opening remarks for the victory of the host. The agitated mob complained that the priest was giving credit where it was not due. According to them, the candidate had won elections not by the grace of God, but because of “Agwambo.” · They demanded, therefore, that the priest thank “Agwambo” in the prayers instead of God Almighty threatening to beat up the priest and to disrupt the ceremony if their directive was not complied with… · Such is the state of affairs in some parts of Luoland today that in spite of the proliferation of churches in the region, there is a frightening decline in religious practice in the region as well as ignorance of religious culture and relativism among the younger generation because of the increasing influence of political leaders who are deeply steeped in pagan rituals and who believe not in God but in the forces of darkness and the worship of Baal… · Matters have not been helped by some Luo priests and religious heads who are demanding today that for the faithful to qualify for sacrament, baptism of their children or requiem mass for the repose of their souls upon death, they must be supporters of the dominant political class “which does not believe in Christianity and the Christian names which go with it.” · Consequently, nowhere in the country today is the image of the church more damaged than in Luoland where numerous faithful are already opting to quit in disgust leaving behind a church of Christ that resembles a boat which is leaking in water on every side and which is on the verge of sinking… · By inadvertently shifting their allegiance from God to the section of unbelieving political class, leading priests in Luoland have taken after the Jews of Jesus’ time who cheered criminals while mocking those of integrity among them. As the Church of Christ loses grip in Luoland, the political leadership through the worship of Baal has increasingly turned to the world of abracadabra to maintain its stranglehold on the helpless community… · After the General Election of 2002, a 68-year-old man called Christianus Tobias Ogutu Ongara from Kanyamwa in Ndhiwa Constituency, Homa Bay County, confessed before church officials led by Bishop John Okinda of Migori Worship Centre that he had assisted most Luo Members of Parliament to win their seats through magical powers. He told a bewildered congregation that he assisted some Luo MPs to win their seats through witchcraft adding that “most of them went to Parliament through the magical powers.” · Ongara, who gave his life to Jesus that day, before Bishop Okinda, surrendered his paraphernalia which included a tortoise shell, human limbs, dried male genitals and dried leaves all of which were later doused in petrol and set ablaze in the church compound. The old man said he got the human limbs and male genitals from mortuary attendants adding that it was an easy job “since families of deceased often fear dead bodies and delegate the job of dressing them to mortuary attendants.” · Bishop Okinda, after burning the magician’s tools of trade, urged Luo leaders to avoid witchcraft. “Only God can save us. I urge Kenyans to seek refuge in God and not in demons or magicians,” he said. But the man of the cloth was preaching on deaf ears… · Since Bishop Okinda’s admonition almost one decade ago, an annual clandestine pilgrimage, to “Sumbawanga and Bariati” which are the twin capitals of witchcraft in Tanzania, by some prominent Luo political leaders has increased… · Belief in the powers of magic as opposed to divine intervention among some leading members of the Luo political class dates back to the days of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga during his fierce battle for supremacy and dominance, in Luoland, with Walter Odede and later Joseph Thomas Mboya, both of whom were devout Christians with no time for the occult and magicians… · In 1968, at the peak of his political problems with Tom Mboya and the Government of our Founding Father and First President of the Republic of Kenya, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, Odinga contracted the help of a soothsayer- cum-magician from West Africa… · According to Odinge Odera, his former aide and speech writer in a recent book entitled, “My Journey with Jaramogi,” the magician Odinga brought in was “a Senegalese, a technical man,” who had been secretly brought into the country courtesy of Dr. Milton Apollo Obote, the President of Uganda, to assist Jaramogi overcome the difficulties he was experiencing with the leadership of KANU and government. · “The Technical Man” with his two assistants was lodged at a self-service Apartment at Hurlingham, Nairobi where Jaramogi conferred with him several times for one week and later the same ritual was repeated in Kisumu. “At one such meeting with me in attendance,” Odinge Odera continued, “the ‘technical man’ told Jaramogi that his political future was full of hurdles and he saw him (Odinga) and his colleagues in some kind of prison cell at some point! A year later, Odinga and his followers were detained! · Over one decade after this incident, Odinge Odera witnessed yet another encounter between Jaramogi and another soothsayer-cum-magician. He also narrates this in his book, “My Journey with Jaramogi” thus: “About ten days before the abortive coup by the personnel of the Kenya Air Force on August 1, 1982, I paid a courtesy call on Jaramogi at his Kisumu lakeside home. · “With him was a Mzee he introduced as a friend from one of the Islands of Rusinga and Mfangano, on Lake Victoria. My presence made the man somewhat nervous until Jaramogi reassured him that he needed not worry about my presence. He then requested Jaramogi if he could proceed with his monologue, to which permission was granted. “The Mzee had paraphernalia which he had spread out on the floor and which he glanced at from time to time as he talked… · At some point he told Jaramogi: “You see, I am seeing plenty of blood and dead bodies of people scattered on the streets of Nairobi.” He was not interrupted while he kept murmuring and muttering in a low and deep tone, as if possessed by unseen forces. He went into some kind of séance… · He then sat up suddenly and when he had sufficiently recovered, he addressed Jaramogi, “Mzee, there is a likelihood of some kind of trouble in the country in the near future but you will not be in any mortal danger.” Ten days later there was bloodshed in Nairobi when junior Air Force officers staged an abortive coup de tat… · From the above it goes without saying that Odinga was a firm believer in soothsayers, magicians and marabouts. With his increased influence in Luoland especially after the death of Tom Mboya in 1969, and Walter Odede in 1974, the political dispensation subservient to him rose at the expense of Christianity which quickly subordinated itself to the new political class deeply steeped in magic and the worship of Baal… · In his book, “Not Yet Uhuru”, Jaramogi confessed that he did not take Christianity seriously. · Wrote he: “I was fascinated by the admonitions to godliness and charity towards others but my religious understanding and personal sacrifice to God and Christ were limited. When I was called to baptism I took the occasion lightly. My evangelist teachers had asked me to select a godfather and godmother but I did nothing about this nor did I arrange a baptismal name and when the day of baptism came and I was called to the alter, I could produce no name and no godparents were present… · Canon Pleydell had come to baptise us and he said go out in front of that large crowd and look for your godmother and godfather! I was at a loss. Stephen Machiala and Loise Amolo, wife of Shadrack Osewe came forward on the spot and gave me the names Obadiah and Adonijah. I was called to the alter and baptised but I never liked the names; I never used them though it was important in those days to be known by your baptismal name if you were a Christian.” · Many of Odinga’s political supporters subsequently took after him by also discarding their baptism names and giving the church a wide berth, except during campaigns when they would make technical appearances in churches ostensibly to pray but in actual sense to canvas for votes before disappearing in the dens of magicians for nocturnal “technical” assistance… · Over the years, the majority of the political class in Luoland has become addicted to soothsayers and magicians to the extent that many of them attribute their elective positions not to the electorate, but to pagan rituals and other forces of darkness through which they believe that the populace can be blindfolded and held captive forever… · The clergy in Luoland should come out clearly on this issue and state in plain language why they have subordinated themselves to the political class which abandoned the religion long time ago in favour of local and imported marabouts!” · NB: The issue is not the names one chooses for baptism, you could be called Mwai Kibaki, Njenga Karume, Kivutha Kibwana, et cetera, and still believe in a higher Sovereign being; does Raila believe in anything, at all? Kindly, please treat this as serious food for thought. Enough said! Alluta Continua.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 06:36:37 +0000

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