The Old Testament is filled with god given guidance for everyday - TopicsExpress


The Old Testament is filled with god given guidance for everyday living. In fact the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation offers each of us clear and concise guidance for living according to God’s will for our lives. However, too often we get in God’s way and have to do things our own way. After all, you know what is best for you, you know your likes and dislikes. You know better than God and you can handle things all by yourself . . . I say to the fool who says this, “good luck and please let me know how that works for you.” I have been there personally and it is not much fun. The truth is we cannot do, handle, accomplish, acquire or succeed at anything without God and that applies to all of us, believer and non-believer. We are all God’s children whether we choose to recognize it or not, and the book of Proverbs is one of many places to go to in the Bible for guidance. I was told at the beginning of my new life with Jesus, “read one chapter in Proverbs every day. That will help you along your way to teach you about God’s Word and how to be transformed in Jesus’ image.” I am so glad I accepted and heard that wise counsel. Am I perfect? Not at all, but I do seek God’s wisdom each and every day because I know my own is flawed severely. The book of Proverbs contains thirty one chapters filled with “wisdom, instruction, understanding, justice, judgment, equity, subtlety, knowledge and discretion,” (Old Testament Survey Notes; Ed Hinson; pg. 109) and the book was written to teach us, God’s children, how to live our lives and acquire each of the attributes mentioned above. It is my belief that Wisdom is one the first and most important characteristics to develop. Wisdom comes straight from the Lord and is often found in two forms; as a gift and a desire to seek, being diligent in the search for truth. God’s truth, His wisdom, starts with His revealed Word and is the ultimate source of “knowledge and understanding,” (Proverbs 2:3-6 NIV notes, pg. 988) and only those who diligently search will find answers. God’s wisdom is not seen by the arrogant or foolish, after all they know everything. Wisdom requires a right heart, one centered on the truth and the love of God and the desire to learn. Proverbs 12:1 says; whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid. (NIV; pg 1004) If I do not want to learn, the years of schooling, the time and effort placed in and upon that education are wasted. In essence, wisdom and diligence go hand in hand. Folly or stupidity and wisdom do not. Wisdom comes when we truly and earnestly seek knowledge from God and this is only accomplished through our relationship with Jesus Christ. It won’t come from a text book or a classroom, although that is a good place to start and it will not come from a promotion at work or a pay raise. Only through God do we gain wisdom and knowledge. So what happens once we attain knowledge and wisdom? Do we shout about it and puff our chest? Proverbs 12:23-24 tells us that when we have wisdom we do not need to boast about it to the world, there is nothing to prove but to the lazy and foolish there is an unending desire to shout and announce their accomplishments in order to validate themselves. The fool is prideful and will only meet with struggle whereas the wise take advice and consider it through prayer. (Proverbs 13:10 NIV) How many fools do you know? Are you a fool or are you searching for wisdom, wisdom only God can provide? Do you seek counsel from the Word of God and if so, do you apply what you find or do you rip it apart and walk away? Are you more focused on the content or the text? Are you looking for immediate gratification, a means to justify your actions, thoughts and behaviors or are you searching for truth, the truth that will set you free? Wisdom is of God, laziness is the devil at work. Diligence is constant and earnest effort no matter what the struggle and with God as your focus the persistence you exert will reap great rewards. Ecclesiastes 10:18 reminds us that when we try to do something without the right skills or tools – or the wrong mindset and focus – we will produce a flawed product. We must remain rooted in God’s Word otherwise we will fall into a pit of despair that can separate us from God if left there long enough. Jesus gave us the Beatitudes while preaching the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 and reiterated the importance of seeking God in all things. Money, power, relationships will not bring us happiness and joy. Only God can do that and we receive those blessing through our trust, surrender and love for Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Seek God’s wisdom always and be blessed.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 19:54:36 +0000

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