The One I Love: Episode 6 STELLA LOOKED UP, staring at the name - TopicsExpress


The One I Love: Episode 6 STELLA LOOKED UP, staring at the name of the company, David and Co again. She exhaled and smiled. Does he bear David as well? She asked within herself and entered into the company She wasnt patient enough to be late that first day. She and Favour woke early as possible because it would be their first day in the office. She was the second person to get to the office. She met the secretary of the company, perhaps she came to complete a work she had been battling with. She greeted her and smiled. Sit down. Folake, the secretary told her. Thanks. She sat with her. Temitope Williams had called Tobiloba and told him hed be the one to interview her. Tobi was looking forward to seeing the lady hed interview. From the look of things, it seemed the boss- Temitope Williams had concluded shed be given a space in Tobis big office. No problem, once shes not annoying. Tobi concluded within himself. Temitope Williams walked into the secretarys office and was surprised seeing Stella. It was so early and punctual of her. Some would still come late despite the fact it was their first day at work. And, first impression lasts longer. How are you miss Stella? He smiled and shook her. Im good sir.. Good Morning. She grinned and stood up. She was looking beautiful in her black skirt suite and her glasses. She rarely used her glasses but she knew it would supplement her beauty, so she wore it. Good morning sir. He was still shaking her when he noticed a big truck parked outside. Ill be right back. He smiled and faced Folake. Give me the Key to Tobis office. Stella smiled. Tobi.. she recapitulated. She started imagining things as she sat down. I should just see Tobi enter as the manager that Id be the assistant too... its another Tobi. She grinned. Temitope opened Tobis office wide open and walked outside. It was the guys that brought Stellas facilities. Her big and neat table, as well as a rigid chair. Follow me. Temitope said to the guys that carried the table and walkes into the company. They arranged the table and three chairs for her desk. Her own chair and that which can be used by two visitors stood before her. Not quite long after, Tobiloba got to the company. He was putting on a cream shirt and a black tie with a black trouser and pair of italian shoes. He adjusted his tie as usual and walked into the office, only to meet Stella at the secretarys office. Tobi halted. He wiped his face twice and gazed at the lady sitting near the secretary. Stella. He called her name out. Stella was also appalled. She stood and stared at him. Exactly what she was thinking of came out to be a reality. Is he the manager? She asked herself in a low tone. Hope this lady isnt my assistant. Tobi also wondered. Folake cleared her throat, to bring them back to normal. Mr Tobi, you couldnt add Mrs or Miss to her name, you just said Stella just like that. Folake stared at him. Im sorry... was... dont even know. He hissed amd scratched his head. Wheres the boss? Folake pointed to Temitopes office and faced the computer back. Seeing that Folake wasnt looking at him any longer, he gave Stella a scary glance and shook his head, as if he was pitying her because shed suffer. He walked away, heading to Temitopes office. **** Ive been expecting you, sit down. Temitope said to Tobi. Yes sir. Tobi smiled and sat down. You should have seen the lady out there, please imterview her in your office. And, her table and facilities has been packed into your office because that place is big and you guys will be able to discuss and share thoughts well there. He addressed him. Alright sir, Ill go do that now. He smiled and stood up. Interview? I go show you today... Tobi thought and walked out, back to the secretarys office. Hello, Miss... hmmn.. hmmn.. Stella, come for the interview. He said deliberately, dragging the words. Folake glanced at her and shook her head. She still couldnt tell if they knew each other anywhere, she just assumed Tobi was impolite to her. Stella breathed heavily and stood up. She followed him as he led the way. They finally got to the office. Tobi sat down. Stella pulled the chair before her to sit when Tobi spoke. Who asked you to sit down? You better remain standing. Why should I stand? She tried to argue. Why on earth wont you? You want to be working with me? Do you know Im your boss? Im going to deal with you.... in fact, frustrate you. He hissed. Stella chuckled and clapped her hands together. Just sit! He hissed again. Thanks. Stella laughed and sat down. This is gonna be fun.. she thought and kept laughing. Stop laughing oh or I tell the boss youll u failed the interview. He threatened. Stella controlled herself and looked serious as she fixed her eye balls on Tobis. First question is that.... hmmn... Why did you agree with my Grandma to frustrate me? Is this an interview? Both started laughing. TOBI didnt know when he met himself laughing. The way he addressed her was funny to both of them. Why are you lughing now? He asked her, still trying to control his laughter likewise. Arent you laughing as well? She kept on laughing. Wait, jokes apart. Tell me or Im going to tell the boss you failed the interview and dont worth the post. He threatened. Now, both of them had stopped laughing but they still had smiles on their various faces. I dont understand your question. Do I? Yes you do.. you really do. Tobi said. I dont know that question, so, give me another question. Alright, Ill believe that. The second question is about you. Whats your best food? He enquired. Nawa oh! Stella clapped her hands together, laughing. You better answer.. he chuckled. Fried rice. She replied. See mouth.. thief. **** Later in the day. It was just past four pm. Stella was smiling on her seat as she went through the files before her. The company had won seven contracts out of ten contracts in a year. She was told that day would be like an introduction day, shed read everything about the company and her job. She was doing that when Folake knocked at the door. Come in. Stella said. Folake walked in and faced Tobi. Boss said we should all gather into the conference hall, except you- Stella. She said. Alright, thanks. He said. Immediately Folake left, he faced Stella. Im the owner of this office, if you dont know. Did I ask you to help me tell her to come in? He questioned her. You just like disturbing. She hissed jokingly and faced the files. Landlady of fried rice. He chuckled and stood up, ready to leave for the conference hall. Anyhow. She hissed again. →→→→→→ The meeting was for the introduction the new staff, Stella. Immediately Temitope got to know everyone had gathered into the hall, he went into Tobis office to pick Stella up. They both walked beside each other into the hall. Temitope introduced her to all the members of staff as the newly employed assistant contract manager. Tobi was just smiling where he was, praying shed have a nice stay in the company by the time he would be through with her. **** Today was great! Favour jumped happily. Mine was great but you cant believe it that Tobi is the manager that Im being the assistant to. She chuckled and clapped her hands together. Its a lie! Favour calmed down and sat down. Are you really serious? She questioned her. Jokes apart. She smiled. Thats great! Tobis wife.. she laughed. Rubbish girl.. She hissed and hit her. ▶◀▶◀▶◀▶◀▶◀▶◀▶◀▶◀ Stella retired to bed earlier than she did that day. As she laid down, she sighted Tolanis picture which she put on the small stool beside her bed. She picked it up and stared at it for a moment. Her mood turned apart as she continued staring at the picture. Hope youre fine wherever you are? She said softly and couldnt hold back her tears as she remembered she was the one that took the photograph for him the day they went to an eatery. It was a sunny afernoon when Tolani came to meet her in her hostel and told her hed like to take her out for lunch lik his friends were doing that day. On getting to the front of the eatery, he brought out his camera and gave her to snap him and both of them would snap together as a proof to his friends that he came with her to he eatery. She remembered another event when she forgot her assignment in the room and couldnt leave the class because it had been shut. It was Tolano that managed to give her his own. He canceled his name and wrote hers it. Though they were almost gotten but he saved her from that problem again. If that wasnt done, shed have been the one who would face the lecturer to be awarded her punishments. Lots of what he had done for her, she only wanted the best for him amd didnt want to be an excuse to his success. If not, theyd still be together. Is he still in Manchester? She wondered. I hope youve not forgotten me because of you Im not giving my heart to anyone, not even Tobi. She spoke quietly. She was speaking, and staring at the picture until she slept off. **** Tolanis friends had already spent two days already in Nigeria. Tolani had been parading the hotel since their arrival, though a day wouldnt pass without remembering Stella. Hed also ask himself series of questions like; Had she forgotten him or he wasting her time on someone who had no time for her? All would be well. **** THE NEXT DAY. Feyi picked up her mobile phone and called Tolani. She spoke to him about establishing herself and told him shed need to award the contract to a construction company. She needed to build up her own company and leave her fathers hotel. She told him shed draw out the plan of how she wanted the company to be, what would be left was to get a company to award the contract of the construction. Thats not a problem, Ill see you by evening when I come to check on my friends in your hotel. He got her informed. Alright, thanks. She appreciated him amd ended the call. Tolani picked up his phone and dialed the Managers mobile phone number and requested for his presence. After some minutes, Deji, the manager knocked at his door and was allowed in. Tolani was happy he came as fast as he could and started the discussion with him. He asked him the companies he knew that could handle construction properly. David and co. He said without thinking. How sure are you? He asked him. Im very sure. My best friend; Tobi is the contract manager and theyve won almost all the contracts bidded for and they are good. I must say. He replied. He was one of Tobis friend that did drink with him. Thats nice. Tolani smiled amd thanked him. He told him hed get back to him if he needed any assistance. He turned on his laptop and searched for the company on net and was convinced they coud handle constructions well. He gave Feyi a call and told her about the company. He told her not to put all her eggs in a basket. She should also call on other companies to know their worth but hed like David and co to receive the contract. Feyi was happy and thanked him. They planned on meeting at her hotel by the evening to talk better. ........... DIAMOND HOTEL. TOLANI walked into the hotel slowly. He smiled on seeing the receptionist and shook him. He was such a friendly guy. How una dey na? He asked him. Im good oh. He smiled and bowed. As usual, want to see my friends and Feyi. He told him. No problem sir. The guy smiled. Thanks. He dipped his hand into his pocket and gave him a sum of money. He left his presence then headed to Feyis office. He knocked softly before he was asked to come in by Feyi. Waiting for him, kept her that late in the office. Tola, how are you? Im good. He smiled and slmoved closer to shake her. Have your seat. She shook him and smiled. Tolani sat down wearing a cheerful face. How have you been? He tried to be fluent with her. We thank God and you? She enquired. Same here. After I called you, I also searched for some companies I know that are great. But according to my research, David and co is still the best. I saw pictures of buildings constructed by them and other contracts theyve won. Both state contracts and that of Federal. He explained. So to cut the long story short, they should be awarded the contract? She smiled. Yes. I think theyre capable of doing a good and neat job. He smiled. Alright. Im so grateful. But I need your help. She stopped. My help? How? Tolani was serious. Can you please create time for me tomorrow? Lets go together to the company together. Tomorrow.... Tolani pressed his lips together, thinking If he had anything so important to do. Alright. He replied, smiling. Thanks so much. Feyi was grateful. ****** Same night. STELLA AND FAVES HOUSE. Do you think Tolani will still be in Manchester? Stella asked Fave as she lowered the volume of the television set. I dont think so... he should now be in Nigeria. She replied, picking pop corn from the plate before her. Why did you say so? She asked, wanting to be sure. At least his course should be over by now.. Have you gotten in touch with him? She asked. No, Ive been wondering about him. She replied. Do you still feel for that guy? Favour asked. Sure. I dont know why, I do feel as if weve not broken up, that I just left him the to study, hed still be back. Favour laughed. Just then, Stellas phone rang. She picked it up. It was Tobiloba. Can I help you? She said first. I called to greet you and tell you I didnt drink today. Tobi said softly, like a gentle guy. You didnt drink? I dont trust you. Stella smiled. Im serious. The mouth organ you brought has changed a lot in me. I was heading out to drink when I saw the mouth organ amd couldnt go again. It was as if it had a magnet in it that drew me back. If this is true, Im happy for you then. I should tell your Grandma tomorrow. She was smiling. Dont tell her yet. I feel I owe you something. Ill give you a gift tomorrow. He said on the other end. A gift? Stella chuckled. Tobi had never been so nice that way. Hope he wasnt driving at something, she thought. Im serious. Be expecting it. He said to her and ended up the call. **** NEXT MORNING, 9 am. Good morning dear. Tobi greeted Stella. Dear? Stella muttered. Good morning Tobi. She replied smiling. Why cant you reply me as your dear. He accused. Because you are not my dear. She replied smiling. I am not? He exhaled deeply. Yes, or are you? Stella questioned. I dont know what came over me. I dont know what happened throughout yesterday but it has never happened to me before. I couldnt stop thinking about you, that was why I called. I may have been acting wickedly or annoyingly but all was to know your character. And, I believe God sent you to me for a reason. Stella... I love... he couldnt complete his statement because there was a knock at the door. Stella was just staring at him, asking herself if she wasnt dreaming. Was it a reality or another test from Tobi? Whos there? Tobi quickly asked. From the directors office, we came to see the contract managers. Tobi was replied by a female voice. Tobi comported himself back. He was already going emotional. Come in. He said, smiling. Feyi and Tolani walked in. Stella turnes her head to the left to see the people coming in and her glance collided with that of Tolani. She stood at once. Episode 7 @6:30am tomorrow morning
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 19:16:35 +0000

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