The One With The Election Season Dilemma Disclaimer: This post - TopicsExpress


The One With The Election Season Dilemma Disclaimer: This post is neither pointed at any single person nor a section of people involved in the past or present election season nor an expert opinion, but, a share of experience that I’ve acquired over the past 4 years through a series of retrospections. I know I m8 be subjected to a bit of or in fact a lot of criticism after this post, but, certain things are worth doing irrespective of the consequences. I know that I’m no big shot in this campus and haven’t actively or passively been any part of elections over the past 3 years but have been a mere spectator. But 3 years of spectatorship, witnessing a circus of events going on for about a month made me think about it and want to do something different this time around. So, this post is not about imparting knowledge or waking up the sleeping minds or criticizing a few people, but about posing the very same questions that came across my mind to every single person that is about to vote in this season. Shocker, it comes from a person without even a voter ID but sometimes all it takes is a spider to inspire you and go win a war and a few minutes of thought to completely change your perspective towards something. To the aam jantha/voters: What is the most basic reason that compels you to vote for a candidate standing for any of the 4 posts. Friendship? Regionalism? Same club/department? Mutual friend? Hatred towards the other candidate? Or a mere ego factor that the other candidate didn’t come to ask you for a vote? If any one of the above is your reason, then stop for a second, slap yourself if possible and think about how different you are from those “stupid and senseless voters” out there who keep electing worthless and selfish politicians on the basis of cash, caste & creed. Their reasons aren’t very different from yours. All of them selfish, senseless and stupid driven by an absurd perspectives. Because in a few years you are the ones who participate in the actual elections out there and decide the future of the country. How do you expect the country to change and progress when you yourself aren’t ready to be a part of it. So, start it from the root level, in simple cliché words, “Be the change you want to see.” Everyone in this campus is ready to criticize about the backdrops raising their voice for their rights but when it comes to the basic responsibilities most of them step back and look for an easier way out. Those who do not fulfill their fundamental duties do not have the authority to demand for their fundamental rights, because you’ve spilled the power of vote that has been vested into you for a ludicrous reason. So, don’t go about this tactless way this time around, instead look at the candidates agenda (the possible and necessary not vague and trivial ideas), his/her credentials, his/her ability to deal with an uphill task as well as minute and sensitive issues, ask him/her questions, countless if necessary, because you have the right to, because you are invested in with the power to determine the authoritative student council figures of this campus. So, take a minute and think about it once and even then if you don’t find sense in it, better stay back in your rooms because the least that this campus/ country needs right now is a medium to set it on a regressive track. To the Core Supporters/master-minds: Ask yourself the same basic questions from the view of a neutral voter and also at the same time realize that you have an additional responsibility on your shoulders, because you are the ones compelling others to vote for your candidate. Campaign for your candidate based on his credentials and his ability, will and temperament to do something useful for the campus but not based on the concepts of regionalism, department and club factors, hostel and friend circle factors and at the least do not use your powers to influence people under you to mindlessly and involuntarily vote for your candidate, because what is the point in being a god father figure if you aren’t being able to set the people who believe in you on the right tracks. Just think how different are you from the people who bank on cast & creed based votes whom you despise and consider the reason for the country’s under development. Instead, use your power and experience to educate people about the background issues, enlighten them about the feasibilities of a particular agenda point, before criticizing and saying words at your opponent contestant during audi debates look at your candidate, make sure he has the temperament to fulfill his promises, make sure all his agenda points are feasible and in the interest of all students but not just a lure to attract voters. Because you are not fishermen to lure fishes (voters) to feed your family (contestant) on false baits but are the architects that play a vital role in building a new generation of leaders. If still you are so keen on playing by the old rules, understand one point for sure that there is no difference between you and all those people who ignite massacres based on cultural and religious differences just for their benefit and all those people who act as the political masterminds but infact are nothing but selfish and self-boasting people who use their influence, intelligence and experience to boast their power. To the leaders/ contestants: First of all pat yourselves on the back because you deserve it. To sit back and criticize is a very easy job, but, to step up to the challenge is not a task for the weak-hearted. So, give yourselves a token of appreciation for the successful first step. But, Keep in mind the saying from spider-man, “With every great power comes an even greater responsibility.” And your responsibility doesn’t just end with campaigning, inspiring your supporters to work for you and making the voters believe you are worth the position and power they are about to provide you with, but, it is just the beginning of an even difficult journey, continuously evaluating yourself with the set goals, not just proving yourself to the people but to prove that their decision to put you on the throne was a wise one. Elections aren’t just about one month campaigning, working your ass off to attract the voters and win with as much majority as possible and enjoying the perks of it for the entire term. It’s more about re-defining yourself, to realize how as a person are you with power in your hand, how strong are you to not let the perks or the responsibilities get over your desires or your temperament, triumphing over the obstacles, accepting your faults under failure and trying to come up with a solution for the younger generations, it’s more about re-inculcating the faith among voters and enthusiasm amongst the upcoming candidates contesting for the posts. It’s all about setting a standard to yourself and a message to the world that we are on a path of liberalization and secularism and we, the youth of the country, will not get influenced by the petty issues and not just hope for the change but will put in our sincerest efforts to be a part of the change and become the change. Just remember that, winning an election is not just a current state of matter, to get as many votes as possible by any means possible, using fatuous & inane concepts to your advantage or emerging victorious by pointing finger at your opponents loop-holes, but it’s a matter of an year where you have the power to change things, to bring about progress, to work for a better campus as one, no matter you win or lose, play in the spirit of the game, after all this is a game that matters the most. And winning a game is not about bending the rules to your advantage but to prove your worth and win fair & square irrespective of the rules, because a winner shouldn’t have any excuses for failure and reasons to aberrate from the true spirit behind the game because there is no bigger hero than a just, wise and efficacious leader. There is no victory in luring voters through false promises, the country has already produced tons of them. At the end of day just make sure that there is some difference between the “corrupt” and “invidious” politicians we blame for the deterioration of the country because what we do at our level is almost on par with what they do at their level, maybe a couple of steps behind. All the best to all the contestants and hope we get to see a new perspective at least this time around and as an individual let us all try not to climb that stair-case of ruination. :D PS: sorry for the big post again. This one beats all my personnal records :P
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 18:11:05 +0000

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