The Opium Wars should have been called the Silver wars because it - TopicsExpress


The Opium Wars should have been called the Silver wars because it was fought to make china accept opium as payment in trade transactions when the global silver supply got squeezed. It got squeezed because the Asciatc-Moors (chinese) were exporting/trading silk and other items in exchange for silver. They were providing products. They were not buying any. They were seen as hording the global silver supply. Anglo-Prussian-Flemish response was to come to cannon if the Asciatic-Moors would not accept opium as payment. The result is the opium war. That was then. THIS IS NOW!!! (You gotta read the comments attached to the note in this link to see ALL OF THE ARMS ON THIS OCTOPUS. It shall take a few days to got through all of this however it absolutely is worth it. You cant know how to defend yourself without doing this very important homework. We have over 100: files detailing what happened and caused and causes what you are seeing in the non-substanced: based-economies and the consequences it could have on the monetary-policy of the substance-based: economies including the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Agriculture-based and substance-based-economy. Honors unto the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Investigation-Service and much thanks unto the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Treasury And Budget https://facebook/notes/tyrese-washington/context-and-perspective-behind-the-planetary-financial-distress/226169547429346
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 19:37:27 +0000

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