The Origins of Common Core Associates of the old communist - TopicsExpress


The Origins of Common Core Associates of the old communist terrorist group known as the Weathermen Underground are behind much of Common Core. The Common Core standards were not developed by and did not come from state legislatures and local school boards as they are supposed to do under the 10th Amendment to the Constitution. Common Core was funded, developed and owes their origins to two Washington, D.C. trade organizations, the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the National Governors Association (NGA), through their contractor Achieve, Inc., with generous funding from the Gates Foundation and other private philanthropies. The Gates Foundation? No wonder we have such strict vaccine enforcement in the public schools when considers Gates’ involvement. Not one shred of research exists which demonstrates the viability of Common Core. Our children are the guinea pigs and with the billions being paid out to the states, it is sure that cash-strapped states will be very hesitant to withdrawn from the biggest boondoggle in education history. Common Core Developers Have Questionable Motives and Backgrounds. .Common Core standardized test creator Linda Darling-Hammond was President Obama’s top choice for education secretary but was never nominated because of her controversial communist (leftist) political views. Hammond is a close friend and associate of domestic terrorist, from the Weathermen Underground convicted felon, turned educators, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorne. By the way, Ayers and Dorne launched Obama’s political career from the living room on their Chicago home. Their relationship continues into the present time as it is on record that Ayers visited the White House. ◾Regionalism government, or the replacement of local governments by federally appointed bureaucrats ◾A leveling of all schools to one, low national standard, and a redistribution of education funds among school districts ◾An effective federal tracking of all students ◾The loss of the option of avoiding the national curriculum and tests through private school and home school. First Lady Michelle Obama urged schoolchildren to monitor their parents for racially insensitive comments because Federal laws can only go so far in stopping racism and it is everybody’s duty to stop racism. Dr. David Pook is a professor at Granite State College in Manchester, New Hampshire. He’s also the chair of the History Department and one of the primary authors of the Common Core Standards. Pook stated that he helped to write Common Core because “white privilege was not earned“. And we wonder if the Justice Department is agitating the race riots in Ferguson.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 08:23:49 +0000

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