The PATRICK-PERSPECTIVE!! WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014: THE LUCIFERIAN/SATANIC AGENDA: DO AS THOU WILL! That is the WHOLE LAW!! when a PERSON LIKES an artist, RAPPER, ACTOR, SINGER, minister or even the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Nothing you tell these people will EVER CHANGE their minds. For like MINDLESS SHEEP they have a RIDE OR DIE attitude with these people and they are QUICK to dismiss the EVIL that they do and dismiss it as only ENTERTAINMENT! Now ive told you that JAY Z is a SATANIST and people quickly get ANGRY at us for saying this because THEY WANT to keep listening to his music. MAYBE in this VIDEO BELOW the TRULY INTELLIGENT will finally see the truth. For in the video one satanist says clearly WE HAVE MONEY and we control the MEDIA and its up to the one with the MOST MONEY who can DICTATE reality to people! ENJOY THE VIDEO and lets see if you still see JAY Z, WILL SMITH, OPRAH WINFREY and the rest the same...
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 18:17:09 +0000

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