The Palestinians/The Arabs are NOT part of 12 tribes of Israel. - TopicsExpress


The Palestinians/The Arabs are NOT part of 12 tribes of Israel. The draft of peace treaty of Jerusalem is an outstanding example for the inheritor of the Roman Empire - Vatican. The Windsor, The Rothschild, UN, EU and the Islamic states ability to abandon theories and concepts, even if they have ruled for centuries, at the moment when these theories NO longer fit their reality!. For them the state is a global and universal state, an unshakeable theory especially since the Illuminati. Of course the Israelite nationals were aware that other states, disparagingly labelled as “terrorist states”, existed at the borders. When this development takes place in undemocratic societies, a great tension is rising: For the highly mobilized, urban forces of society, the valve of a political participation doesn’t exist here because the access to power is blocked. The nationalism allows an external redirection of this energy. The war as a tool of distraction, which channels this released energy, wasn’t unusual even in democratic countries during their “take-off” phase. The concept of national sovereignty has led to a system with an absence of an international monopoly of power and the use of force all of which has made periods of lasting peace and regulated international relations less common and has been established globally with the European conquest and phase of decolonisation. Slowly, the innovative the Israelite nationals thinking achieved to admit the existence of states with birth rights besides Kingdom of Israel though not giving up the claim of a universal state explicitly. These birth states were “brothers” with which we could negotiate and reach agreements in near future. These birth states were “brothers” - based on descendants of both the Houses of Israel and the House of Judah. Before the Israelite nationals were sent into exile, in the year of 722 BCE, the King of Assyria, Shalmaneser V and later King Sargon II conquered and re-conquered the Northern Kingdom of Israel. He ravaged its capital city, Samaria and deported it citizens into the region of Khurasan today. Ten of the thirteen tribes disappeared into the mist of history leaving behind only the Tribes of Benjamin, Judah, Levi and remnants of the rest of the tribes. Out of these vast deportations, the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel, and the Jewish people who refused to return to the land of their forefathers in Israel in the kingdom of Persia, we find the remnant or descendants of both the Houses of Israel and the House of Judah. These descendants include, according to Bilal Khan and his defining position paper on the Pashtuns and the coming of the Islamic Mahdi. To accept these political realities was of course a painful process. In particular this old conceptual thinking of Kingdom of Israel, which was embodied by inheritor of the Roman Empire, the Black Internationale: the Vatican, Jesuit power combined with short-sighted ambitions of the Golden Internationale military leaders - US, EU, UN who did not want to acknowledge the new historical situation weighed heavily on the new policy. As also well known, of all the nations of the world, it was the Israelites and then the Jews that were hunted and murdered by pogroms, holocausts, genocide and ethnic cleansing, plus assimilated by coercion, enticement or expulsed into exile under The Wicked King/Queen of England - refers to themselves as prince of the Holy Roman Empire and of the United States. Its discovered that the world government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire! Had the Israelite nationals been wise enough to acknowledge the reality of the world outside The Ancient Nation of United Israel and the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and sustained diplomatic exchange as birth partners? All the Israelites called the Hebrews would have quickly learned how to control the current realities, especially also in military terms. History would have taken another course. the negotiations leading up to the peace of Jerusalem and the treaty itself, one can quickly relate to the immense mental effort behind this change in the Israelite nationals perception of a world empire. What becomes clear is that the Israelite spirit and the Judahite spirit will adapt to the new political realities, while still maintaining the claim of a Israel official royal dynastic family - descendants in which the G-d of Israel chooses. The nature of the relationship between these two states (the progenitor of the tribes of the Hebrews and the Ishmaelites) changed from one of purely political rivalry to a supposed fraternal relationship. For the first time in The Ancient Nation of United Israel history there were the Patriarch Israel (Jacob) and the Patriarch Joseph, recognized by each other according to our covenant with G-d, the entire Torah and TaNaKh intact for over 3,314 years in a row. As the descendant tribes of Israel matured into a national consciousness, We wanted to form Israel own kingdom. The course of history would have continued even without these negotiations and maybe other political, military and regional developments would have taken place. Without this peace treaty, however, most likely the Israelite nationals or the Jewish State would even have had to end their reign sooner. We are still fighting for our Israel independence today because the Crown wants to dictate the terms of a peace treaty in a position of strength. If Israeli government sign such a Treaty, when they knew that this would void any sovereignty gained by the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War? However, peace was the prevailing sentiment, and this new treaty - based birth states were “brothers” avoided any further major wars between the two and also avoid being hunted and murdered by another pogroms, holocausts, genocide and ethnic cleansing, plus assimilated by coercion, enticement or expulsed into exile by prince of the Holy Roman Empire and of the United States. Today, the Pashtuns or the Pathon tribes represent the largest patriarchal ethnic group of people in the world. The largest tribe within the Pashtuns is the Yousuf Zai Tribe that is translated the “Children of Joseph”. It is the United States that today, fronts for the Western Economic Global Forces of the European trans-nationalists and internationalists called the Bilderbergers and their American counterpart called the Council on Foreign Relations. This global group of nations seeking world domination was called the Golden Internationale by the late Pope John Paul II. Little does this global power for world domination realize but the Israeli Pashtun tribes of Afghanistan and tribe of Ephraim from China and USSR are recognized as G-d’s weapon of war, YHVH’s “Battle Axe”. Sources of the “ethnic cleansing” conducted upon the “Nation of Liberated Slaves” as the ancient Israelite Lost Tribe of the Pashtuns is known in Afghanistan. These sources make the case that the Pashtun Tribe was the largest tribe in Afghanistan, as documented by the WAK Foundation for Afghanistan. Today, each nation state must be built on the concept of freedom in a democratic and constitutional state. This cannot be done by imposing democracy from the top but rather through a process of convincing the people in local communities, through a bottom-up approach. It has to be made clear that the sovereign Israel/Jewish states will have to renounce a part of their sovereignty. The prophet Elijah is suppose to appear just before the Revelation of Moshiach, or to confirm his identity. Another function of Elijah will be to declare all authentic Jews from non-authentic people claiming to be Jewish. It would appear that this weighty mission of Elijah would have a direct impact on the authenticity of the hidden Jews who would have already emerged. The one true fact, the Sovereign will of the God of Israel will be revealed in His good time
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 16:06:47 +0000

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