The Palestinians contributed to the killing of 182,000 Kurds. - TopicsExpress


The Palestinians contributed to the killing of 182,000 Kurds. #Arafat, The Rat, congratulated #Saddam Hussain on his successful attack on #Halabja. Over 5,000 Kurdish women and children were gassed to death during the Poison Gas Attack on Halabja on March 16, 1988. Millions of #Palestinians celebrated the death of these #Kurds. The Grand Mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini, was a Palestinian. Al-Husseini contributed to the #Holocaust by recruiting over 30,000 muslim SS volunteers for the #SS Handschar Division. He lived in Berlin during World War 2 (#WW2), and his pay was 20 times higher than of German field marshals like Erwin Rommel. A brilliant quote by #Benjamin #Netanyahu: - If #Palestine were to lay down their guns tomorrow, there would be no war. If #Israel were to lay down theirs, there would be no Israel - Benjamin Netanyahu. You know it is true. The only thing that prevents the #Arab world from wiping out the #Jews, is Israels military superiority. Arabs, #Turks and #Persians have been murdering Kurds for almost 100 years - they started with murdering and oppressing Kurds decades before the Palestinian conflict even started! Not a single country in the #muslim world has ever condemned the #genocides and #massacres committed against the Kurds, despite the fact that between 60-65% of Kurds are muslim. Palestinians, who constantly claim to be oppressed, contributed to these genocides and massacres. They even enjoyed it. Over 182,000 Kurds were buried alive during the #Anfal campaign. Palestinians can speak their own language in Israel. Palestinians can go to school in Israel. Palestinians have access to health care in Israel. Palestinians can get jobs in Israel. Palestinians are not tortured to death in prison simply because they said Palestine in public. Palestinians are not buried alive. Palestinians are not gassed. Palestinians are not beheaded. Kurds in Iraq, Turkey, Iran and Syria have been oppressed and prosecuted for the last 100 years. Kurds have been buried alive, gassed, starved to death, and put in concentration camps. Over 10,000 Kurdish villages have been destroyed. Kurds have been beheaded, hung, executed, and even crucified in public. Kurdish children have been imprisoned and sentenced to death for mentioning the word #Kurdistan in public. Kurdish women are stoned to death by the Islamic Regime of Iran. Turkey even denied the existence of the Kurdish nation, Kurds were called Mountain Turks for decades. Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria have been destroying thousands of years old Kurdish statues and other ancient sites. Kurdistans resources has been exploited by Arabs, Turks and Persians. Kurdistans nature completely destroyed. Many Palestinians and other Arab nationals contributed to all of these documented crimes against humanity. Palestinians are double faced. They fake images and video footage. They hide their missiles in populated civilian neighborhoods and hide behind civilians when Israel strikes back. Palestinians have dedicated camps where they train their own children to become suicide terrorists. And yet, the world wants to free Palestine? What would you get from freeing Palestine? There would be a 23rd Arab country. Which means there would be 23 Arab countries where a dictator is in charge, where women are oppressed and stoned to death, where corruption is part of daily life, and where Christians, Jews and people of other believes are prosecuted and murdered on a daily basis. The world has double standards. They allow the Kurds, who are a true nation, a nation with a culture and history much older than most other nations in the world, to be oppressed by Arabs, Turks and Persians. But they insist on freeing Palestine? Please share and spread this post far and wide. Show it to your friends and family. Educate them about the fake Palestinian cause, and inform them about the Kurdish cause. An independent Kurdistan is coming soon. If you are a Turk, Arab or Persian: I advice you to learn to live with a new reality. That reality is called Kurdistan. #FreeKurdistan #Rojava #Peshmerga #YPG #Kobane #Kirkuk
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 05:10:36 +0000

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