The Panda Saga. High in the mountain ranges Amongst the vast - TopicsExpress


The Panda Saga. High in the mountain ranges Amongst the vast bamboo forests. The black and white giants Spend their days As for so many generations before them, Eating Sleeping And of course Loving. With only the Very occasional tiger To bother them. So these quite Gentle creatures, Whose lives Are lived in peaceful harmony And are from one day to the next Very much the same Without incidents or dramas Of any serious nature. Being of such Gentle nature And relatively carefree, They have quite Short memories, Such Is a Panda’s life. This is mostly true, As for all things There is Always An exception, Even so with Pandas. For there is one blood line From mother to daughter Who share A great past event Through the magical bond Of motherhood. Through this bond They remember Through a direct distant grand mother The great And terrible thing That almost happened To all of Panda kind. And now, There is a great worry Among the Panda community. For there is a certain, Hard to explain Feeling upon the air. It is as if the very mountain, Is slightly trembling And a vague feel Of darkness is upon the air Even in the brightest sun. Vague deeply buried memories Try to surface Upon the common pandas, But to no avail For only a feeling Of dread And uncertainty Fill these poor Peaceful creatures. Now There is only One. A young female She knows Even as her mother knew, That this day would come. She knows what she must do, For it is Her destiny To stop what is coming. It is early morning A dark and foreboding sky Encircles the mountains Highest peek. Distant thunder and lightening, Crack and boom. It is as if something is stirring An ominous sign A warning Of the darkness to come. Having filled her stomach She is ready For the journey ahead, For she knows The location Of the one Who can stop The evil Before it awakens. It is a long journey Well, By Pandas standards that is. Down to the vast plains, To follow a crystal blue stream That will take her To the hidden grove. Even so She should be there by nightfall For there Is no time to waste. So at her fastest Panda amble, She sets off Upon her quest. The bamboo forest thins, Then fades. As the young Panda walks on She remembers, As if she was actually there, Her grandmother’s time A time of great despair. Her grandmother a little older than This young one is now Lived As Pandas do now. With one major difference. A great golden Dragon Had its domain On top of the mountain That stretched as far As it’s red eyes could see. Every so often The dragon Flew patrols over the Pandas Guarding its precious territory, It did not prey upon them, For the taste Of bamboo tainted flesh Did not agree With this proud Dragon. So As Pandas are They lived their lives And ignored The majestic beast. But, The dragon Did not ignore them. It watched them. It has lived Over untold eons Since the earth was young. Now, One would presume That although the Dragon Is quite intelligent, It would also be Noble And just. Not so It is not their nature, It thinks As all dragons do, It is the only worthy creature Upon this world. This trait alone Has made the Dragon kind Petty Jealous And unbelievably cruel. Its arrogance Is as colossal As its physical self. As a Dragon becomes More powerful It expands its territory, To staggeringly large proportions, When one dragon Comes upon another It is almost always A fight to the death, Thus There are few Dragons now, As even the will The mate Has been over ridden By the self belief Of their own superiority And self-worth, Does not allow them to Even consider Having new rivals That there children would become. With so few left And with the coming of man In an eon, Their time Will be over. But for now They are the Very top Of the food chain. Their nature being What it is It took no real motive For the Dark thoughts To enter The Dragons mind Deep in its lair. Why Why should those? Puny Pathetic creatures Be so content With their Miserable little lives It is not right They must believe That they are better than me BETTER THAN ME! I think not Now the Dragon With it’s rage Worked up To a terrible level. A dreadful Most evil Plan formulated In its dark and twisted mind. A low Spine tingling laugh That fills the cavern, Echoing out the mouth And into the dark Foreboding night’s air. Its plan would Devastate the Pandas Filling their lives With torment And pain. Perfect. The morning was clear and crisp. The pandas were doing What they do best Eating. It was the smell That got their attention first. Burning. Not a good thing Especially in a bamboo forest. Then From high above Filling the early morning sky With such evil Laughter. Sending the Pandas Into almost Pure panic. The golden colossus circled Lower And lower, Till it come upon A group of Pandas That the grandmother was a part of. In a magic voice That can be understood By all creatures The Dragon spoke “Sooonn So sooonn You miserable creatures You will have nothing to eat! For everyday I shall burn More of your only source of food Till, There is, NONE!” It roared. “U will starve And die Sooo slowly Painfully And these Mountains Shall be truly MINE!” With a mighty Flash of fire The Dragon Darted upwards retuning To its lair. All of Panda kind Heard this, All now despaired As no Panda Has done before. But For one panda. She was remembering A promise that was made, And her thoughts Raced back though the years To an eventful memory. She was young And full of life, Especially for a Panda. She had been exploring The very edges of the forest When a sound Caught her attention. Not often does a Panda Hear such a sound, A cry of terror. Upon reaching a clearing The panda stops And shivers with fear For a great tiger Had cornered One of earths Most Astoundingly beautiful And magical creatures And still only a foal. Its coat Glittered As it wined in fear. The tiger Readied itself. A most unusual Emotion Filled the panda. Feeling it well up so quickly And overflow. Anger. Which give’s birth to Courage, As the brave panda Growled and charged to be in-between Tiger and foal. Stunned The massive killer Circles worriedly. Although pandas Are normally peaceful They are still Quite formidable foes If not dealt with correctly. But panda Or no panda Was going to stop this tiger From its intended prey. The panda Rises it its full high Stretching its big paws, Threatening, Yes, But The tiger still undeterred Once again Readies itself. Muscles bunch. The panda see this And despairs. There is no way She can match its speed And protect the foal. But she will try Even If it means her own life. Now! The tiger sprang. The panda roared And moved to intercept. The tiger froze. Baffled And confused. The panda Sat upon its haunches And stared. If the foal was beautiful Then its mother Was awe-inspiring. Pearl white hide Glimmered upon the suns rays. A shake of its mane And stomp of its hoof, The foal pranced To its mothers side. The great mare looked Upon the unlikely hero, This young panda Which was ready To give its life for the foal. The panda gazed At the unicorns horn As it started to lightly glow. A message was passed A promise was made A pact To help the panda Whenever Wherever In a their times of need. Also a magical blessing Upon this blood line Able to past on from mother to daughter This very promise And event that unfolded. The panda beamed inwardly As she remembered That her grandmothers Brave encounter. The sun is trying to set now And the journey Is at an end For now she sits And stares At the magical glade That is revealing itself Right before her eyes. Then Infront of her Shimmering A shape appeared. The unicorn Stood tall and proud And so happy To see the panda For she could Sense the magic That was used To touch the pandas soul. A feeling of warmth Friendship And comforting. Flowed upon the panda For the unicorn Trotted near, And summoned the magic. Then They were gone. Even more suddenly They were in the mountains, At the very entrance Of the Dragons lair. The unicorn pulsed The panda stared back And grunted. Of course The young panda was coming, She will See this through As her grandmother Did before her. A proud feeling Washed over the panda As the unicorn Was so happy To see That the blood line Ran true. Untied in friendship And of a common cause, The two would be heroes Entered the lair Of evil. The darkness Engulfed them. It was light The shadows Chased away By the magical horn. A short walk Brought the due To the cavern. In the centre As if it was statue Laid the Dragon. The eyes were open And upon closer inspection Focused Upon the two creatures Standing before it. Smoke Puffed from its nostrils, The spell was breaking No time To late As the Dragon Broke the spell And roared. Rising to its full height The Dragon Crashed its front legs Into the ground Shaking The very mountain And almost toppling Unicorn and panda. Deep sniff As the dragon Gazed with unbelievable Fury And anger. “Mmmm The same two But not” It trembled with rage “I have been a sleep For to long For now These grand daughters Seek To redo to past deed” Laughter filled the air “Foolish creatures! Your grand mothers Caught me by surprise! But …” The dragon stopped And glared At the unicorn. “NOT THIS TIME HORSE!” The Dragon thundered As if felt the build up Of the unicorns power. Sucking in a great breath WOOSH The searing Magical fire Enveloped the would be heroes. So intense Were the flames The very rocks, Melted Beaded And turned to black glass. Smoke and heat filled the cavern. Laugher Filled the cavern. “Puny creatures” It raised itself Once again And spread its enormous wings. “Time to finish What I started All those years ago, Then To find those Troublesome Unicorns And wipe them Form this world!” One great sweep of its wings Swept the smoke from the cavern. Only To reveal in a ring of blue A glowing unicorn And most brave panda. “NOOOO!” The Dragon raged. The magic Flowed And enshrouded And froze Dragon. Now In silent rage The dragon Will remain, Till the next time. By Justin Scott White
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 06:50:14 +0000

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