The Parish Council are looking for volunteers for a variety of - TopicsExpress


The Parish Council are looking for volunteers for a variety of jobs. The four areas where help is needed are delivering the parish bulletin, small maintenance jobs around the village, helping with speedwatch and maintaining footpaths. More details on each job is set out below. If you can help out please Email the Clerk Carol Hodgson [email protected] Bulletin Delivery The parish bulletin is delivered four times a year. Normally each person doing deliveries might take an hour or so to door drop bulletins. So if you can spare an hour every four months then please contact us. Only requirement is that you are fit enough to walk and are reliable as once printed the bulletin needs to be delivered promptly. Maintenance The parish carries out a large number of small maintenance jobs around the village. Cllr. Roy Chapman organises, supervises and carries out much of the work but we often need help. The jobs can vary from range from anything like fixing broken signs to repairing the bus shelter. If you are handy with your hands and can afford a few hours a month then we would appreciate your help. This works helps save our community a considerable amount of money. Speedwatch Slowing traffic down through the village is a priority as the number of cars coming down the B2244 has increased significantly over the past years. Speedwatch has been very successful in improving the situation. We need volunteers who can help for at least 2 hours at a time working alongside other volunteers to ‘man the speed gun’. It is important that you can commit to do this at least once a month so we can get a regular pattern of activity. Reliability and willingness to work even if it’s cold is important although if you can only do summer months then don’t hesitate to contact us. We would really like to get a regular and committed team to help us make the centre of the village less of a raceway for motorists passing through the village. Footpath Maintenance We are looking for volunteers to help do basic maintenance of the footpaths in the Parish. If you like walking the footpaths then this could be a job you might be interested in. The work varies throughout the year but includes cutting back overgrown paths, improving or updating stiles, putting in fingerposts and way mark signs. You will be supported by the Highways authority who will also give training in first aid and other areas. You need to be fit, and prepared to give a few hours a month.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 13:23:24 +0000

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