The Past Trap! You will never get very far in life looking back. - TopicsExpress


The Past Trap! You will never get very far in life looking back. It is the equivalent of trying to drive your car looking through the rearview mirror. Always remember, what you focus on is what you move toward. Your dominant thoughts will determine your destiny! Good or bad. Many people today are trapped in their past. It may be the result of a wrong choice, a bad relationship or circumstances beyond their control, but they cannot seem to move forward. They continue to replay past hurts and disappointments and as a result they perpetuate more of the same. This is a common trap of the enemy. He doesn’t fear your past. He fears your future and will do everything he can to keep you from moving forward. Have you noticed how the enemy continually brings up past mistakes, old wounds and wrong choices to condemn you? His motive is to capture your thoughts and break your focus! You must take every thought captive. Cast down every thought does not line up with the will of God concerning you. Refuse to receive it and immediately replace it with the Word of God. You will never enter Canaan until you are willing to leave Egypt. Look into the Perfect Law Of Liberty and build your future so big in the theater of your mind that your past will pale in comparison. When you do, you will break free from the The Past Trap and discover the abundant life you are destined to live! “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,” (Philippians 3:13). Be Encouraged! Be Blessed! Pastor Mike Blankenship
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 11:30:35 +0000

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