The Patriot groups have begun making certain demands on Congress - TopicsExpress


The Patriot groups have begun making certain demands on Congress and on the governors of the states to move back toward the constitutional laws of this country; this being done through a demand, a "Redress of Grievances". This Awareness indicates that it is a process that put Congress and government officials on notice that the Constitution is the law of the land and that they are expected as elected officials to abide by the Constitution, to which they have sworn an oath of allegiance, and that they are also informed that anything other is treason. This Awareness indicates that this is presented through certified letters to members of the Congress and the state officials so that there can be no doubt as to the fact that they have been notified. This Awareness indicates that this not necessarily mean that entities will take the notification seriously, for there are many entities who have for so long catered to the international leadership, the UN leadership, and the banking controls, that they are not likely to pay attention to the people. This Awareness indicates that it does appear it will be a grave mistake for these entities to ignore this Redress of Grievances. It also appears that there are some who are taking this seriously, more so than at any previous time. This Awareness indicates this is in the early stages. This Awareness indicates that this may be seen as a political storm over whether the country is under the control of the Constitution, or under the control of the New World Order agencies such as the UN, such as the IRS, and the Federal Reserve Bank and other agencies that have been established to run this country over the past decades. Many of these agencies perceive themselves as the government, when in fact they are operating illegally, when in fact they were illegal from the beginning because it came from an illegal action. This is in the case with the Federal Reserve Bank and with the IRS. It is also the case with some of the other agencies that have developed and which pretend to be part of the United States government
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 21:44:17 +0000

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