The Patriots have won by the skin of their teeth, and will be up - TopicsExpress


The Patriots have won by the skin of their teeth, and will be up against the Colts who won by a similar margin. I cant take the stress waiting for the news, so I listened to Northampton Public Access TV, and picked up this program from 11 minutes in, where Reese Erlich was mentioning his local fixer, which means people (in Erbil in this case) who set up interviews and to some extent translate/interpret. This was a local gathering, sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee, last night, January 10th, and the guy speaking (for over an hour) never gave his name, and the book of his he referred to was published in 2010, yet he reports on the current situation. Its very clarifying. He thinks if we had not intervened in Kobane (its PKK terrorists, he says per US definition and Turkish experience), we could tell Russia and Iran to stay out of X, Y, and Z. He answered questions I have as if he were unpacking them. Golan Heights? The way the cost of the Iraq intervention led to the 2007/08 financial fiasco? How we can nudge Israel/Palestine positively? All sorts of things about the Kurds. Thanks, Northampton. Ill link. The first guy speaking is not Erlich.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 01:22:15 +0000

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