The Pele Weekly Report for Dec 6 onwards: ...challenging - TopicsExpress


The Pele Weekly Report for Dec 6 onwards: ...challenging times....our fear-based, base ego-drivenness is being called-out... time to reflect on who we truly are... from the inside-out ...not the must-doing-must-having of our exterior hard-driven Hard-Drives (Hark at the hapless non-techie treading non-too-gently on sacred mother/father-board ground!! ;-) )... these are times for self-recognition, self-healing and (w)holy-some at-one-ment... time to feel our feelings more feelingfully... let our busy-busy-overdriven left brain have some respite... for a bit at least... our psychically intuitional creative right brain and the Brain-in-the-Heart (thas a medically acknowledgd fact yall) will guide us if we can trust ourselves to let our feelingful non-autopilot-pilot fly the dam plane for a bit whilst we look out the window and admire the advent of a new flight-path... time to chill in the will and let our feelings up and out into the open (er...not necessarily in public folks, as uprisen, revolution-ary feelings can be a tad messy until they settle and we can relax into authenticity and considered, considerate right-action for and on our own behalf, trusting that whatever comes up well be OK!)... time to mix it with our inner -self not fixate on fixing outer stuff least until we land again, ground ourselves, find our Centre and trust that whatever happened, is happening, will happen was, is and will be cope-able with a newly revitalised inner self-worthiness, centred power-centre and capable outer abilities... and if you can understand and go with this... youll be a better Man/Woman for it, Gunga Din!!
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 15:32:42 +0000

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