The Pen is always Mightier than a Sword...!!!!!!! Although not - TopicsExpress


The Pen is always Mightier than a Sword...!!!!!!! Although not taken very seriously by many Entities and Beings of this planet Earth, this ancient saying is Absolutely since ancient times many illegal cruelty ridden agendas have been wrongfully introduced upon this planet earth by both the invisible and visible Beings and Entities, who having Deformed and Mutated consciousness for their own limited mind selfish reasons through deceitful and cruel forceful methods forced them upon the evolving cultures.....but they all failed in front of ABSOLUTE UNIVERSAL WISDOM compiled over long periods of time by the mighty pens of evolutionary SEERS and SAGES [PROPHETS AND AVATARS] . These corrupt Entities and Beings are the very same ones, who acting out as the so called mighty ones firmly believe in working against the universal law of Will to do Good, ......and who during their own material incarnations Willfully took the wrong path of denser conscious materialization or Involution rather than the required prescribed evolution upon the ascending arc of the WHEEL OF TIME [KAAL- CHAKRA], according to the plan and purpose of the Creator - Observer of the Solar Universe meant for the proper consciousness expansion in the 3 dense dimensional plane worlds which are known in Sanskrit as the Trilokas or the 3 dense dimensional spheres of BHU, BHAVA and SVA Lokas or in Hebrew language asthe 3 Sephirots of ASSIAH, YETZIRAH and BRIAH having further various differentiated frequency subdivisions. To explain this phenomenon of evolution to not much evolved entities and beings in simple terms, who are existing in the 3 dense dimensional planes [TRILOKAS] of this planet earth trying to solve the Riddle of Unprecedented Cruelty caused by Corrupt Rulers in power to their fellow beings as well as upon those various beings who exist upon their mercy, these dimensional planes or Lokas which are composed of differentiated matter of different densities or rarities due to their differentiated frequency vibrations, let us closely look at this physical plane of planet earth, which is the dense material plane of incarnated human form existence as well as other evolving kingdoms [mineral crystals, plants, animals etc.]. Although the physical plane or the Bhu Loka of this planet earth is commonly considered by all humans as our planet earth, its land mass is separated by great oceans. The land mass is further divided into great continents, each continent existing in a different time zone. Each continent is further divided into various countries and nations through demarcated boundaries, and each country further divided into states and provinces has its own set of rules and agendas which they term as their Man made Laws. So people evolving in these countries and nations observe different culture rituals and live under different climatic conditions and different different timing of work and rest periods.......BUT THESE THINGS ARE THE SAME FOR ALL HUMAN BEINGS, .....THE COLOR OF THEIR BLOOD.....THE FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS OF HAPPINESS AND SADNESS...and eventually BIRTH AND DEATH OF THE PHYSICAL FORMS ...........................................Similarly these other invisible lokas of this planet earth are differentiated in their sub frequencies, where differentiated conscious Entities and Beings of these invisible domains live and die. Just like for the human beings of the physical plane the gained Knowledge and Wisdom are the most valuable assets as its gives them power of wisdom, similarly for all the invisible Entities and Beings of this Solar Universe they are the Most Sought Treasures of the highest they are always looking to attain more knowledge and wisdom of this fathomless infinite universe...because they denote the Expanded Conscious Energy of Ethereal Vitality commonly termed as the radiant FORCE. Now with the advent of computer, the mighty pen is the Fingers of the Seers [Prophets and Avatars], as it writes in the 4th dimensional Electrical Ether of the computer, which act as the Virtual Paper, and thus easy to comprehend even by the Invisible Entities and beings of this planet Earth. Jai Ho Vashisht Vaid. Master of Masters.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 14:26:33 +0000

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