The Pendulum There is a dynamic that must be addressed – - TopicsExpress


The Pendulum There is a dynamic that must be addressed – that of those who have found the Hebrew Roots of the Christian faith; have come (for the most part) from a grace-no-law stance to that of finding, becoming amiable to and keeping Covenant law – which does need to happen in a discerning metered way. But that pendulum (in most cases) has swung too far Most have actually found and go on to defend a Jewishized version – a Levitical version - even a Rabbinic version of Torah and even a version the words of Moses. Of what is supposed to be the authentic Melkizedeq Hebrew Roots that (Rom.4:16) Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Jacobs 12 sons and the 12 Tribes of Israel before the Melkizedeq Covenant break of Ex.32; walked in and were to walk in. Intelligently; that we are still to walk in (Heb.4:2). We have no choice but to realize; that a version of something is a highjack - a counterfeit ie not the the full, unvarnished, untarnished Truth. We are to rightly divide the word of truth ie Torah. We must realize that even YHWHs Plan B 2nd choice Levitical Law version; He Himself called not good (Ezk.20:25). 2Tim.2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto Yah, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Yes we are to love and extend love and understanding to those who are exploring and finding their way. I can understand that the truth will come – It is supposed to come; thats what Acts 15:10-21 is all about. But there is a dynamic even in this; being that if we dont go on; that is to stay at that level is to cater to and foster a certain diminished level of arrested development. We are to mature in the Truth – Yahs Truth; to do anything less is to perpetrate and be guilty of Rom.10:2-3; We need to develop fully equipped disciples instead of ill-equipped aints Rom.10:2 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. 3 For they being ignorant of Yahs righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of Yah. All of us are to go on to Yahs Spiritual Maturity; (Note, these are Yahshuas words) Mt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of Yah, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Did you notice the 2 phrases? - the righteousness of Yah, the kingdom of Yah, and his righteousness. kingdom in Hebrew is Malakah, YHWH is the King or Melek and righteousness is Zedek or in other words in Hebrew – Melkizedeq Just to touch on it lightly – (as an awareness) Yahs Plan A 1st choice was the Melkizedeq Priesthood - That the Israelites broke (Ex.32:10) – They were thrust under the Plan B 2nd choice Levitical Priesthood (Num.3:12/Heb.7:11/Ezk.20:10-25); until the death and resurrection of Yahshua our Melkizedeq High Priest (Heb.7:21); reinstituting Yahs Plan A 1st choice of the Melkizedeq Priesthood reconnecting to the original; Yahs Plan A 1st choice Melkizedeq Priesthood. We are being called back into Yahs Plan A 1st choice Melkizedeq Priesthood (Heb.7:12); 1Ptr.2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: (Compare to Ex.19:5-6) Notice a royal priesthood or a Kingly/Melek Priesthood ie the Melkizedeq Priesthood. This is what we need to know – this is what needs to be tabled to consider and understand along with Love and Understanding – Not summarily decided by (given if theyre even aware of it) our Pastors, Rabbis, Teachers and Higher-ups to shield us from; to hide from us what they do not yet or worse will not; or cannot understand. Hiding or derailing the Truth is Not Loving or Understanding
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 06:08:38 +0000

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