The People In Our Community Are NOT Like Most Other People. I sit - TopicsExpress


The People In Our Community Are NOT Like Most Other People. I sit in front of a screen and read thousands of different peoples posts a day. I have learned a few things about the mental, spiritual and physical make up of people in our community and I can say with somewhat authority that our citizens are smarter and more alert than many people in other communities. Case in point, national statistics show that negative campaigning works. That the more negative one is towards their opponent the better one has a chance to win. This is why national, state and local campaigning has gotten so ugly. Statistics also show that instead of giving the voter straight information for them to digest and decide what is best for them that you instead use scare tactics. This negative campaigning may work in other areas but historically it does not work in our county. Our citizens are intelligent enough to take information presented to them in a respectful manner and then make their own informed decision. Scare tactics has never worked here. Many people we talked with that would have possibly voted for the county wide millage voted against it in protest to what they perceived as threats. Many of the people’s posts that we have read were written intelligently and expressed their disgust with how they felt that they were being manipulated to vote for a millage hike. Our voters are intelligent and are not stupid, just lay out the facts and trust that we will make an intelligent decision. Do not listen to state level and national party people who only want to spread lies and innuendo against a candidate. Those people have no idea how our voters will see through the smoke and mirrors. The last thing we need to learn from this election is that government officials must have respect for the voters and not make disparaging remarks about them when the vote doesn’t go their way. The remarks made about our voters by our county officials were beyond the pale. The voters have spoken. You played the voters and lost. Remember next time to respect the intelligence of our citizens and treat them with respect by laying your case out. We will never bow when threatened even when it may be for our benefit. Is that crazy, no, for our voters are sick and tired of being taken for granted. Government officials take heed for you work for the voters and not the other way around. So the voters have spoken, quit whining and step up to the plate and do what you were elected or hired to do…. Otherwise leave and let someone who knows their place as a public servant take your place. tm editor
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 04:51:43 +0000

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