The Perfection of God Creator For the invisible things of Him - TopicsExpress


The Perfection of God Creator For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world , both are eternal power and his divine nature is understood , being understood by the things that are made , so that they are inexcusable . ( Romans 1 : 20 ) . Often , at the end of one year and begin another , we make plans , projects , propose changes in habits , among other things . All natural and even healthy. Renew themselves naturally hopes for days but quiet , with fewer fights and more peace . Expectations and hopes also naturally renew themselves . But we know that the changes do not occur overnight and that the fact that one year ends and another does not start automatically transforms us , magically . For the Christian , the driving force of change is God . We know that man , alone , is not able to implement changes in your life . Logically , the will has to exist , after all God does not force us to anything but accept our resolve to change their lives and rejoices with it . I am saying this because , after all , I also have plans and projects for the new year , I intend to change and improve aspects of my life that did not please me and I feel that hurt me in the year 2012 . I count on God to achieve my goals , my goals and consolidate as desired changes - and among these changes is intended to resume the walk beside Christ and therefore the posts in that blog . Much has been said on the possibility of the world ending in 2012 , this subject has raised debates and speeches about apocalyptic themes . Thank God the world did not end and each day we have a new chance to fight for what we want , every day we have the chance to love and be loved by the people around us . However , it is striking how people let themselves be mobilized by subject and sensational issues such as the theory of the end of the world in 2012 , but do not leave hold arranged by themes and wonderful stories in the Bible . Many believed an alleged prophecy of the Maya Indians , but find it hard to believe the biblical accounts - what to say , then, of the creation account ? Many will affirm the case of fables , something only the ignorant can believe. Logically , Im not saying that everyone believed the world would end in 2012 , likewise, very many refuse to believe that God is the creator of everything and in the end will be the same to restore everything to its original shape . God , this powerful being , supernatural , invisible , I firmly believe , is always by my side and yours too - just leave a little arrogance aside and we feel alone we are able to all, we see His presence . It is comforting to know that this same being, all-powerful , is the One who created us, is the same that brought us to life and formed with such perfection , a planet in which we could dwell. God is not an unreachable pedestal , but instead he moves from love for each one of his creatures and comes to be with us every second of our lives . The first need we have to accept that God created the world and the universe did not come from nothing , a cosmic explosion or something of that sort , is humility . Through the prophet Isaiah , God tells us : Did not my hand made all these things , and so they exist saith the Lord for this is to look at it : . To the humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word . ( Isaiah 66 : 2 ) . How wonderful to know that a being so powerful , capable of creating the universe only by the power of His word , approach him who is humble , that He is also humble - humble to the point of become human and die to save man . As Paul said , we have no excuse not to believe in God and His creative power at the wonders of nature , on the beauties and perfections that surround us . Just a little while we reason : if the universe is infinite , with billions and billions of galaxies , planets , stars and other heavenly bodies, how many coincidences would be needed for a tiny planet were correct millimeter away in the gigantic ( and hot ) stars around which orbits , so he could subsitir life? If the planet was closest to the sun one centimeter or one centimeter more away , this would be enough for life on the planet was unfeasible . Many other conditions are necessary so that there is life on earth : the influence of the moon, rotation and translation, etc. . However , one characteristic that catches my attention has to do with the slope and position of the Earth relative to the Sun The tilt of the Earth and its position relative to the sun cause the southern hemisphere receives more solar radiation than the north , but , so there is a balance of temperature and ideal conditions for life on our planet , God made the southern hemisphere with more water than in the northern hemisphere , which refreshes the planets temperature and creates the ideal conditions for the development of life - if , unlike the southern hemisphere have more land than the northern hemisphere , it would be enough to derail life on Earth , the water has a regulatory function of temperature on the planet . It would be in very strange that all this had occurred randomly and haphazardly ! All this shows us that it is easier to believe that someone also designed our planet and the universe than to believe that everything happened by chance ! Its too perfect. There would be no space here nor the author has enough to lecture about the details of life on the planet and the conditions necessary for such details in their scientific knowledge . For example , what about the existing smaller particles that make up all existing matter : the atom . ... The atoms should be stable enough for them to be created stable material objects . Stability of atoms depends on the forces that hold together the parts . Atoms containing charged particles that attract and repel. Forces of attraction and refoulement must be carefully balanced ¹ If any of these forces were more or less , many of the elements that we find in the atmosphere and that enables living beings breathe not exist ; . oxygen, hydrogen , carbon dioxide, carbon , essential for all life , would not exist . So once again I echo the words of Paul : For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world , both are eternal power and his divinity , being understood clearly seen by the things that are made , so that they are inexcusable . ( Romans 1 : 20 ) What excuses , scientific or not , we will present to refute the idea that God created the universe , at the marvels that confronts us daily ? If you still do not believe , look in the mirror, look at your entire body , think of your organs , the functions performed by each of them and that if one fails the life also fails. One can not be a designer behind the machine so perfect . So it is with our body , so is the planet , so it is with the universe . O come , let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord , who created us ; . Because He is our God and we are his people and the sheep of his pasture hand If today you hear his voice , do not harden the your hearts ... (Psalm 95 : 6-8 ) .
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 16:23:34 +0000

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