The Petition We citizens of India are very Disturbed by the delay - TopicsExpress


The Petition We citizens of India are very Disturbed by the delay in getting Judicial matters disposed in India. It is unheard of in any civilized society that a case can drag on for twenty or more years without a final verdict which for us means implementation of the verdict with no further delay. We strongly believe justice delayed is justice denied and each and every Indian has had this happen to them or somebody they know and it makes us very sad. This delay in justice we feel is one of the main reasons perpetrators of crime are not respecting laws of our land and consequently innocent people are suffering and their own faith in Indian fair process of Law has seen a setback with passage of time. We urge a law to be passed guaranteeing a Six month period from time of filing a complaint to its resolution by verdict of Judge or Jury in every case in Indian Democratic system. Also we feel Their should be limit of time within which Appeals process is finalized. We understand this may entail a overhaul of Judicial system in Indian Democratic state but feel this is of utmost importance and can be achieved by redirecting resources that are being wastefull at this time. This appeal stands to expect action from our chosen respective Governments and Chief justice of India who we feel has moral and ethical responsibility to address this horrific problem . Needless to say our elected representatives and Honorable chief justice very well know that this delay of judicial process in itself does not act as a deterrent which it should be for people carrying aggression on Indian State from inside and outside the country also It makes us economically suffer as FDI investments are dropping due to concern for time taking judicial process where Foreign investors feel they cannot address their genuine concerns. This problem effects everyone from the poorest of poor who cannot see justice being done as the rich and powerfull use the system to cause delay and more delay until the poor man gives up due to his limited resources. We are well aware that all these are well known facts and our brief summation just goes on to say what everyone of us already know about state of affairs in Indian democratic system. We also feel that this process will promote communal harmony in our country which is need for the our as culprits will be punished swiftly and quickly and this will reinstall faith of common citizen in the system along with putting a stop to elements who are fomenting disharmony and committing crimes with no regard for Law of the land as they understand nothing will happen for twenty or more years evidence will be lost witnesses will have died even from natural causes and they will go Scott free. We do not support concept of fast track courts as it in essence excludes cases which it chooses and makes it go through slow judicial process which is against our constitution and forefathers vision of equality and justice for all without discrimination of race, caste, creed or ethnicity and providing equal access for all Indian citizens. We again urge this law as soon as possible for this or future governments of sate or union which in reality is the need for the hour and will make us feel that those of you work for this and support this truly care for our country and us the people of India. With sincere regards and Jai Hind Promoted by All citizens of India who want to make our country a true democracy for all its citizens. Sign petition
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 19:15:27 +0000

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