The Petition has been Filed!!! The Protect Glade Road committee - TopicsExpress


The Petition has been Filed!!! The Protect Glade Road committee filed a citizen led petition today at Colleyville City Hall. Containing over 1,000 resident signatures, this petition asks Colleyville City Council to preserve the semi-rural character of Glade Road and refrain from violating individual property rights with the planned use of eminent domain or forced private property sales. Further, the petition specifically protests the planned construction of 10-foot bike trails along the entire Colleyville section of the Glade Road corridor, and the filling in of flood-preventing bar ditches along that same stretch of roadway. The Protect Glade Road committee has always vocally supported critical intersection improvements at the Bluebonnet, Riverwalk, and Bransford intersections of Glade Road to alleviate traffic concerns, as well as the general repair of the road surface along the corridor. Further, the committee would support the completion of the existing, almost continuous 5’ sidewalk on the south side of Glade Road. The need to improve traffic flow and the condition of the road surface have never been in question. The committee rejects the city’s ever shifting construction plan, which has changed several times since the introduction of the citizen generated petition back in May 2014, but in which the requirement for a 10-foot trail has remained a constant. This plan of record will destroy up to 300 mature trees, cost $20M of taxpayer money, and take a projected 10 years to complete. Since the initiation of this petition drive back in May 2014, an alternative roadway improvement option has been introduced for Glade that will save $13M, complete the entire project within two years, and not infringe on private property. The Protect Glade Road committee has made every effort to work with the Colleyville City Council to come to a fair, reasonable and equitable compromise on the Glade Road issue. It was not until the requisite number of petition signatures was reached earlier this summer that the City Council was even willing to entertain the notion that the concerns of the citizens of Colleyville should be taken seriously in the Glade Road matter. Since that time, members of the committee have met with groups of City Councilmembers - as well as with the City Council as a whole - to try and work out the differences between what the City Council is proposing and what the majority of Colleyville citizens have signed a petition to support. City Council has introduced a variety of arguments – some based in legitimate concerns and others trying to obfuscate the actual issues – that make it clear that compromise between the City Council’s vision and the wishes of the community is impossible. We will not allow City Council to further demonize those individuals who are trying to find a legitimate compromise, or run out the clock with a tree survey that has not been conducted in the manner that was promised to the Protect Glade Road committee. The process and personalities involved have been disappointing, and a distasteful reflection of how Colleyville government treats its own residents. Colleyville City Council has been playing games to achieve their vision for Glade Road, and will almost certainly look for gambits to disqualify this petition now. The Protect Glade Road committee has turned in the petition so that these games will cease. The character of our community, as well as our property values, neighborhoods and quality of life are at stake. If a compromise on project design is unachievable, then allow this petition to be placed on the May ballot and allow Colleyville residents to vote on the Protect Glade petition. For more information on Protect Glade please email GladeRoadPetition@gmail .
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 22:14:44 +0000

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