The Philippines delegate at the UN Climate Change talks that began - TopicsExpress


The Philippines delegate at the UN Climate Change talks that began on Monday has blamed Typhoon Haiyan on climate change, and urged sceptics to get off their ivory towers - - - Translation: You rich countries should feel responsible for letting this horrible natural disaster happen to us. Repent, and open your wallets NOW! I love how one day skeptics are a bunch of anti-intellectual Luddites like me, the next day were a bunch of ivory tower academicians. Which is it? Then theres this nugget: - - - What my country is going through as a result of this extreme climate event is madness. We can fix this. We can stop this madness. Right now, right here, Mr Sano said, in a speech which received a standing ovation from his fellow delegates. - - - Right. First, a dose of reality: There is no way you can stop or even control climate change. For crying out loud, we cant even predict it properly. The very premise is absurd, even if you allow (as is reasonable to a point) that man has had a measurable recent affect on the nature of that change this way or that. But if you believe that carbon credits or massive redistribution of wealth will somehow fix it then you are truly smoking crack. The idea that we need to somehow commit mass economic suicide to save the planet may be sufficiently romantic for the intellectual decedents of Marx to get all jazzed about it, but it will serve no useful purpose but to make everyone suffer needlessly (which is Marxs programmatic specialty). Everyone -- even conservatives and skeptics like Yours Truly -- can get on board with conservation and wise stewardship of natural resources etc. etc. But what the climate change fanatics want is something altogether different. Their solution is solving a different problem, which they are using the emotion of tragedies like this to pimp: namely, their notion of economic fairness. Green is the new Red, and all that. Which is what makes skeptics like me, well, skeptical. Its not so much that I deny scientifically man has any impact on the global climate -- its that I dont buy into the root cause analysis and more to the point the alleged solution that folks like Gore et al. are trying to enrich themselves by promoting. And stirring proclamations like the one in this article add ZERO value to the real debate.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 14:32:39 +0000

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