The Pioneer State Editions »Bhubaneswar STATE EDITIONS MOHANTY - TopicsExpress


The Pioneer State Editions »Bhubaneswar STATE EDITIONS MOHANTY & SETHY: INTERESTING CHAPTER IN CBI PROBE Sunday, 14 September 2014 | PNS | BHUBANESWAR | in Bhubaneswar A hitherto-hidden chapter of the chit fund scam has come to light, involving functionaries under the Constitution of India. In May 2007, Justice Laxmikanta Mohapatra, then of the Odisha High Court, received a “discretionary quota” allotment of a plot in CDA, Cuttack. He constructed a double-storied building, reportedly of a high value. He subsequently sold the land and the building through an affidavit leading to permission for the propertys transfer to Pradeep Sethy, CMD, AT Group, for a consideration of Rs1 crore. The concerned affidavit is of February 2011. Interestingly, the transfer of the immovable property was not through any registered instrument. Reliable sources say Justice Mohapatra was allotted another plot under the discretionary quota. Pradeep Sethy subsequently applied along with Asok Mohanty, who resigned as Advocate General on Friday, for a transfer of the same plot and building in favour of Asok Mohanty. These events took place around January 2013, and by then Sethy was already implicated in a case in Baleswar from 2012 and was wanted by the police. And the house and the land in question would have been liable to be seized in view of the investigations into the activities of the AT Group. Sethys bail application was by then pending before different courts. The transfer of the land and the building again without any registered document was effected in favour of Asok Mohanty, the then Advocate General, for a sum of Rs one crore one lakh only. The specimen signatures of Sethy and Mohanty were attested by the the Advocate Generals Private Secretary Jiban Patnaik. Events thus revealed that these transactions took place after the registration of the cases involving Sethy, of which the Advocate General and his office were apparently aware. During the pendency of these cases, the transaction of properties in favour of the then Advocate General took place. The fact is that certain cases pending against Sethy were widely publicised in thwe media. The CDA strangely published a cryptic advertisement disclosing the proposed transfer from Sethy to Mohanty without furnishing any details of the respective parties. Strangely, the name in the concerned papers is mentioned as Asok Mohanty and not as Asok Kumar Mohanty. It has been alleged that the advertisement was designed so that no one would discern the details of the transaction, including the parties concerned. The CDA Secretary intimated on 22.02.2013 to Mohanty that the plot with the building over Plot No.11-3B/1332, Sector-11, CDA, Cuttack, has been transferred in his favour from the name of Sethy. Immediately, Mohanty confirmed taking possession of the land and the building. The prior investigations undertaken by the State Crime Branch conveniently ignored these vital details. The CBI entered the arena recently pursuant to directions of the Supreme Court. When the CBI became aware of these events, it summoned the then Advocate General Mohanty to have his statements in order to unearth the truth. Within hours, the Government accepted the resignation of Mohanty. In these circumstances, the professed plea that the resignation was submitted in May, when change of Government took place and only when a suitable replacement for my post could be found by the Government the resignation has now been accepted appears to be an attempt to evade the issue. Mohantys statement to the media belies the sequence of events which happen to be on record from the day one. Fenced from all sides, the Government is now looking out for an Advocate General who would spare none, whose integrity is well-established and who would also be within the search-list of the Chief Minister and would be willing to take on the responsibility of bailing the tainted cats. No doubt this is a difficult hour for the Chief Minister to make a choice between loyalty and integrity. But this gives him a unique opportunity to purge his party of all the tainted elements, but events so far do not disclose such a resolute stance by the Chief Minister. JAYANTA KUMAR REPLY There are three episode and the third episode is yet to occur. 1. The First Episode: Justice Laxmikanta Mohapatra has misused his power and position, I do not think that this property was actually sold out to Pradip Sethy, it is only a drama and this drama was done when the Bombay High court gave its decision on the Discretionary Quota land on 09th Feb 2012 (Bombay High Court ordered Film Producer Subhash Ghai to return a plot of land allotted to his Whistling Woods International Film Institute from discretionary quota). This was only a plan to save this plot and the luxurious double storied building. Everything was done on pen and paper but physically Pradip Sethy, Chief Managing Director of Artha Tatwa Group of Companies had never taken the possession of that building and land. 2. The Second episode: When one FIR was lodge by Chit Fund Victims in different Police Stations and courts against Pradip Sethy, Chief Managing Director of Artha Tatwa Group of Companies for doing financial fraud, Justice Laxmikanta Mohapatra could realize that either Crime Branch or by CBI would seize immovable and movable property of Pradip Sethy hence to save this property (which he had transferred to Pradip Sethy to avoid any litigation due to the Bombay High Court judgment) he had made another plan by asking Advocate General Ashok Mohanty to get the valuable property transferred in his name from Pradip Sethy hence Advocate General Ashok Mohanty has got the property transferred in his name within seven days. Advocate General Ashok Mohanty has never mentioned his designation in any document related to the transfer of this property. As per the decision in the 88th Authority Meeting held by CDA on 18.8.2009 resolved that Third Party transfer of plots allotted under Discretionary Quota can be done after completion of FOUR YEARS from the date of allotment of the plot. But CDA has violated the rule when Justice Laxmikanta Mohapatra had transferred the plot and the luxurious building in the name of Pradip Sethy as the plot was allotted to Justice Laxmikanta Mohapatra on 25.5.2007 but he had transferred the plot to Pradip Sethy on 23.4.2011 whereas Justice Laxmikanta Mohapatra was eligible to transfer the concerned plot only after 25.5.2011. From this act of Justice Laxmikanta Mohapatra one can well imagine why he had transferred the plot so hurriedly to Chit Fund operator Pradip Sethy. It is only to escape from Bombay High Court judgment. Hence in this case he had certainly pressurized CDA authority to overrule the aforesaid decision of CDA. Before the third party transfer proposal of the aforesaid plot between Pradip Sethy and Advocate General Ashok Mohanty newspaper publication was done on 14.02.2013 by CDA but there was no newspaper publication when Justice Laxmikanta Mohapatra transfers the plot to Pradip Sethy. 3. The Third Episode (which is yet to occur): The third episode is yet to be telecasted and all of us have to wait for a few years to see the third episode but as the script is already being written hence I am going to disclose the happy ending of this story, the third episode will be telecasted only after the retirement of Justice Laxmikanta Mohapatra. Ashok Mohanty will transfer the discretionary quota plot with luxurious building to Justice Laxmikanta Mohapatra or in the name of his family members by affidavit and the selling price of this valuable immovable property may be Rs 1, 00, 00,200/- (Rupees One Crore Two Thousand) only. WITH REGARDS JAYANTA KUMAR DAS (RTI ACTIVIST), 9861770749(M) about an hour ago · (0) · (0) · reply (0) · JAYANTA KUMAR FORMER ADVOCATE GENERAL ASHOK MOHANTY SHOULD BE BEHIND BAR. Former Advocate General was in full panic when he came out of CBI office today (13.9.2014),he told the reporter that he has paid the Rupees One Crore and One Lakh to Pradeep Sethy to purchase the House. 1. He has given a false information that he has paid the Rupees One Crore and One Lakh to Pradeep Sethy to purchase the House because as per the affidavit dated 03.10.2012, Pradeep Sethy had mentioned in the third para of the affidavit that he had received the consideration amount Rupees One Crore and One thousand only. Once Ashok Mohanty had paid in cheque then why the details of the particular cheque was not mentioned in the Affidavit dated 03.10.2012? Being a Senior advocate how he can do such mistake by not mentioning the details of the cheque in the affidavit? 2. Once the amount mentioned in the affidavit dated 03.10.2012 and the amount mentioned in the cheque is differing then it should be considered that the cheque is not paid as the consideration amount for the property purchased by Pradeep Sethy. 3. Further he told that he has paid through cheque but CBI should verify whether the cheque was encashed by Pradeep Sethy or not because as per the information from a reliable source the cheques were not encashed by Pradeep Sethy. 4. He told the reporter that while purchasing the property, he had no knowledge about the background of AT Group, From this statement I could able to feel that he is in full tension and could not be able to apply his intelligent brain to tell a suitable lie which could have satisfied the reporters.The reply could have been:- Yes I was knowing Pradeep Sethy and about his business, as per the best of my knowledge he was doing his business legally as I was not having any business relation with him except the purchase of this property hence I had never gone deep in to it and I was not aware about the complaint lodge against him in police stations. We are knowing that there was a nexus between judicial people and Pradeep Sethy. We hope that CBI will take the benefit of his panic and can takeout many information from him. JAYANTA KUMAR DAS (RTI ACTIVIST),9861770749(M))
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 04:57:37 +0000

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