The Planet Astral: Ten continents, the cover the mass space of - TopicsExpress


The Planet Astral: Ten continents, the cover the mass space of this beautiful planet. Wynters Realm: Importers of rare Magmoo meats and milk, and various fruits. A special location for types of Coffee bean./ A once vast tropical island nation. Now turn cold and ruthless by the fierce ice Dragon Wynter. Known for its great volcano, that is now frozen. A sacred ice shell hidden behind the frozen throne holds a deep burning mystery. Jem Skull Island: home of the best in boat Builders, also a huge resource land of various imported good, common tropic fruits like the Ohnana, also rare Jewels a plenty./ Lands founded and born of pirates. The most cutthroat of all continental regions of Astral. They have their own ruling system, they do not believe in governmental life. Its all about power, cunning, and skill. Tournaments are held to depict who is the most powerful, this will lead to the preceding of who is king. Each rain lasts about two years, and a fight is held to read determine if the king will continue to thrive or if a new will take the seat. Hallows Isle: A resource land, known for clothing goods, hunting gear, various spices. Including poisons and antivenin./ Vast lands protected by an order deemed Hollows. A last major parting gift Brokk Star left behind to establish his ideals. That all creatures could share harmony. The lands are inhabited by about 89% celestial and non-celestial monsters and only about 11% human. Chronasi: The height of technological advancement, import and export goods around the planet Astral. Greatly known for their Icarus Gear attachments and accessories but mostly their various beam technology./ The largest continent of all and split into by some thousand-year-old dispute with a river coated in prairie. Now joined together in bonds, with memory of an old confrontation that settled differences. Two Heroes statues stand up on each side of the river to never forget but to carry-on their old legacy. One world bathed in the future and another an inner reflection on other ways to manage the world. Despite their deep-rooted connection these two sides couldnt be more part. Osheonnah: known globally as the largest fish supplier of the world from tropical to icewater fish. The even lead the salt to freshwater expenditure. However they are also known for their ability to craft excellent aquatic and Arial maneuvers vehicles./ A continent that is a world of its own, it has a large landmass however approximately 67% of it lies beneath the surface of the water. A mostly avian and aquatic homeland. This continent bears home to most of the fears aquatic creatures from Sea serpents to water drakes. However is also known for some of the most beautiful sunsets and sunrises that I have ever been seen. Ouredelle: the largest of all resource nations this place is known for mountain this regions and fruitful harvest and bounties. However about all theyre known for their or an metal collectives. Making them the number one resource nation in all of Astral./ The most mountainous of all the lands the most curious as well. It houses just about every different climate as well as it shows the largest amount of different creatures namely there dinosaurs, however its not uncommon to see simple animals such as a Fieldmouse or Hata Bird. Agbenyaga: Of its resources they focus mostly traveling gear, survival guides, and tomes about the past. They expel series of medicines as well as all natural herbal remedies, other supplies such as sugar cane, an honey./ Life is precious a heavy desert and jungle covered lands. Some mountainous others Prairie. Its a land that lives under the sun with ancient custom and revels in its honor. The people of the lands use the creatures that they live with, as hunting partners. also heavily attuned to various craft works. These natives respect life above all else. Star Dust: Known worldwide for their famous Icarus Gear the original crafters lived upon these islands. However the continent is also known for their various teachers. Which travel the world spreading the knowledge of ancient customs for combat and magic. They export great amounts of rice and teas to the world. They house a various widespread amount of exported goods used all over the planet./ A series of floating piles create this continent. Connected by vines stones and Magic Waters. This Oriental land is known for its amazing views as it soars gently over Agbenyaga miles and miles above never conflicting with the sunlight that reaches the surface below. They are the second-leading superpower for technology in Astral in comparison to Chronasi. However surpassing them and traditions and time honored festivals. Shooting Star Islands: home to many of the families inflicted during the Shootingstar era. Goods to part from the islands such as some fruits and vegetables, however theyre not a major distributing island at all. They reflect teachings as well as older customs./ The lands which played as a mainstage to the shooting star era. Now in the area of lush grass and soft sands. Large Tomb stands tall, to remind the world of Brokk stars actions. Some creatures say in its shadows lies a great snake, that curves in the sunlight. The Violet: not a resource nation, however resources are collected from this continent. It is also used as a location where people gather to hunt the greatest, and most fierce Beasts known to man and monster./ A jungle continent. Covered in deep rooted trees hardly touched by humans, granted its few ancient tribes, subverted and changed by the Final Throne shifting its lush greens to jagged violet and its creatures more violent, Some even grotesque.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 03:23:56 +0000

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