The Plateau Sponsored Terrorism Against Muslim. The carnage, - TopicsExpress


The Plateau Sponsored Terrorism Against Muslim. The carnage, genocide and mayhem that took place in Jos in 2009, was a State sponsored terrorism against the Muslim population resident in Jos metropolis for the following reasons: a) The personality and mindset of the State Governor David Jonah Jang and (by extension), his Cabinet. b) The roles played by the Third Armored Division, the State Police Command and other Security agencies. c) The roles played by the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), and the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria, and other sundry Christian organizations d) The attitude of the Plateau State Government before, during and after the crisis e) The details of the Plot and its modus operandi It is the perception of the general public that the Governor feels that the Muslims have over-populated the lands belonging to Berom people and generally control the economy of the State. He is deeply uncomfortable with the large size of the Muslim population in Jos and other parts of the state. His pathological hatred for Islam and Muslims is unquantifiable, for example. ·The Governor had (earlier on in the year), at a Christian religious gathering at the Jos Polo Ground, knelt down and wept profusely, stating that a white man once had a dream that Jos was the new Jerusalem. (This was on television.) ·The Governor once told a political gathering at Kanam in 2008, that ‘Muslims hated Christians’, when he was asked whether it was true that he hated Muslims · The Governor once asked a group of friends who went to visit him in the year 2002, before he became a governor, ‘How many Beroms own land in Kano?’ (implying that a man from Kano should not own land in Plateau.) · The Governor still nurses hatred for the IBB Government for ‘pre- maturely’ retiring him from Service in 1990, (as if he was the only person retired from Service at that time) and calls it a Hausa-Fulani agenda · The Governor is the moving force in a Berom organization called ‘The Fight for Berom Land’. These words can be found on stickers placed on vehicles in Jos. · The Governor operated and grafted what he calls the ‘Plateau Agenda’ which is aimed at dislodging all Muslims from Plateau State. This agenda is not kind to even the indigenous non-Berom Muslim populations · In his broadcast to the State on Saturday, the 29th of November, 2008, he identified the crises to have started from Ali Kazaure, a Muslim populated street, and highlighted that Churches were burnt. He never made reference to the human casualties of the Muslims, and the massive destruction of properties of Muslims in the State Capital · The Governor instructed the Plateau State owned media, (PRTV) to run a propaganda role. The inflammatory remarks made by the State Commissioner of information was repeated several times, especially the determination of the Government to deal with ‘trouble makers’, i.e. the Muslims · The Candidates for the PDP, for the Local Government Council election, Barr. Timothy G. Buba, is a nephew of the governor and a germane younger brother of the immediate past Comptroller-General of Customs, Mr. Jacob Jang Buba. ·The Governor claimed to be an ordained Pastor of a Church run by one Pastor EL-BUBA · Governor David Jang, a staunch member of the Middle Belt Forum, an organization that has a deep-rooted hatred for the ‘Muslim North’ and having a perception of an ideological Middle-Belt, and not geographical. (It has Gwoza, Michika, Numan, part of Taraba, Borno, Adamawa and Kebbi States, as the spheres of its interest i.e. the so- called Christian North). He is a passionate missioner of the creation of an exclusive ‘Christian North’ at all costs. · In 2003, when he was forced to leave the PDP for the ANPP, his campaign posters were printed joining him with the ANPP Presidentia Candidate, General M Buhari, he vehemently went against it and ordered the removal of all the posters. His reasons were that Gen. Buhari was from the far north and a Hausa-Fulani, and as such, his Christian brothers and sisters would perceive him as having gone soft on the hatred for Muslims · Thus while the ANPP Candidates for the Council Elections comprised a Muslim/Christian ticket, which is realistic, Governor Jang insisted on presenting his nephew on a Christian/Christian ticket; this further buttresses his pathological hatred for Muslims. The Governor never offered even ‘pure water’ to the displaced muslims in form of relief for the victims · Why did the Government fix election date on the day he did when he knew that most Muslims in Jos North had gone on pilgrimage to Mecca? This means that they (Muslims) have been technically disfranchised. CONCLUSION The above mentioned are readily explained on the personality trait and dispositions of Jonah David Jang. He has a deep-rooted tribal chauvinism and hatred for Muslims in Plateau especially. He will never respect or deal with any Muslim as an indigene of Plateau State. Jonah David Jang is akin to Hitler – the apologist of the ARYAN RACE. He is on an ethnic cleansing exercise and he must be checked. His ultimate dream is to extricate, dislodge and dislocate all Muslims from Plateau State. Where he can not, be will definitely make them face his enormous wrath, venom and maltreatment. The only thing he will not do is to have the courage and declare an independent Christian republic of Plateau.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 09:36:19 +0000

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