The PlayStation originally started as a Super Nintendo add-on We - TopicsExpress


The PlayStation originally started as a Super Nintendo add-on We begin with the most obvious one. By the early 90s, multimedia was in the zeitgeist, and even ultra-conservative companies like Nintendo wanted to dip their toes into the vast ocean of CD-quality audio and slideshow-quality video. Ken Kutaragi--who helped design the SNES amazing sound chip--spearheaded the creation of the Nintendo Play Station, which would play existing Super Nintendo titles along with those in the new SNES-CD format. Unfortunately for Sony, Nintendo chairman/ruthless businessman Hiroshi Yamauchi wanted complete control of licensing rights, so the company ditched their partnership in favor of working with Philips. In a move Sony wouldn’t soon forgive, Nintendo announced the change of plans at the very same 1991 CES that was to host the PlayStations reveal.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 21:29:13 +0000

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