“The Post Hole” Blog Offers Publishing Alternative To Rejected - TopicsExpress


“The Post Hole” Blog Offers Publishing Alternative To Rejected Bloggers The Post Hole Blog is launching this week. The site will publish and promote columns and articles that were rejected by major blogs. The Post Hole will eventually compensate contributors with ad revenue sharing and company stock. The Post Hole intends to become “The Place To Go When Editors Say NO” For Immediate Release Contact: Fred Lundgren (281) 599-9800 Katy, Texas October 7th 2014 When Fred Lundgren of Katy, Texas emailed Arianna Huffington with his Bio and a request to become a blogger at The Huffington Post, he didn’t anticipate launching “The Post Hole” blog. Lundgren is the managing partner and CEO of KCAA Radio, a news-talk station in the Riverside/ San Bernardino area of Southern California. The station produces radio programs for dozens of independent broadcasters. Lundgren hoped his Huffington Post articles would expand KCAA’s “brand”. Initially, everything went smoothly with little editorial interference. This changed when Lundgren submitted a story entitled “The Myth of Social Security Insolvency”. Even though his research was thoroughly vetted, the editors questioned his conclusions and blocked the article. Following a month of frustrating rewrites, the article was finally approved and published. Things only got worse when Lundgren submitted an article about the dangers of GMO potatoes, warning consumers about a new version of “Franken Fries” which lacked an enzyme necessary to show bruising and decay. After more than two months of rejections, Lundgren abandoned his attempt to publish the article. More rejections followed on subjects ranging from missing children to the growing police state in America. The proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back was the rejection of Lundgren’s article about Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher who refused to pay grazing fees to the Federal Government. Lundgren took an objective, if not a sympathetic view of the rancher’s situation which did not set well with the Huffington Post editors. The article was rejected without comment. Lundgren suspected this pattern of censorship was prevalent at other new media publications. To find out, he submitted articles at two other publications. One was liberal and one was conservative. He wrote one article with a liberal tone and sent it to the conservative publication. It was rejected. He then wrote an article with a conservative tone and sent it to a liberal publication and it too was rejected. He then reversed the process and both articles were accepted and published. Lundgren’s experiment showed how writers across the political and ideological spectrum are being funneled into small compartments that reinforce reader bias and discourage open debate. He believes it worsens polarization and tortures the First Amendment. Shortly thereafter, Lundgren created The Post Hole, a news aggregator and public blog that welcomes a full spectrum of written views, similar to the way KCAA Radio is open to all sorts of broadcasters. The Post Hole name draws a clear reference to the wrongful disposition of too many professionally written articles that get rejected by editors across the spectrum from The Huffington Post to Town Hall. Lundgren’s vision also includes a unique system to compensate writers with shared ad revenue and a share of stock for each article published. The Post Hole is built on the WordPress platform by Tom O’Halloran, Lundgren’s partner for the enterprise. O’Halloran will serve as Editor In Chief. Tom is a fiery right wing conservative broadcaster and the political opposite of Lundgren. These fellow Texans, both of whom sport black Stetsons, exemplify the independence and diversity of views they intend to publish. The Post Hole is open for business at theposthole.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 20:03:20 +0000

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