The Power of Desire What is Desire? Let us see! Webster tells us - TopicsExpress


The Power of Desire What is Desire? Let us see! Webster tells us that it is: “The natural longing to possess any seeming good; eager wish to obtain or enjoy,” or in its abnormal or degenerate sense: “excessive or morbid longing; lust; appetite. “ “Desire” is a much-abused term –the public mind has largely identified it with its abnormal or degenerate phase, just mentioned, ignoring its original and true sense. Many use the word in the sense of an unworthy longing or craving, instead of in the true sense of “aspiration,” “worthy craving and longing,” etc. To call Desire “aspiration” renders it none the less Desire. To apply to it the term “laudable aim and ambition” does not take away from it is character of Desire. There is no sense in endeavoring to escape the fact that Desire is the natural and universal impulse toward action, be the action or good or bad. Without Desire the Will does not spring into action, and nothing is accomplished. Even the highest attainments and aims of the race are possible only when the steam of Will is aroused by the flame and heat of Desire. Some of the occult teachings are
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 08:45:23 +0000

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