The Power of Faith Jesus replied — I tell you the truth, if - TopicsExpress


The Power of Faith Jesus replied — I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree — but also you can say to this mountain, Go, throw yourself into the sea, and it will be done! Matthew 21:21. We can say of faith, in the language of the Psalmist in reference to Zion, that glorious things are spoken concerning it. Whose heart does not leap within him, as he reads the records of faiths achievements in the eleventh chapter of the book of Hebrews? All the wonders of the ancient church we are there shown, were wrought through this divine principle. During the personal ministry of the Savior, how clearly was its importance evinced. His miraculous blessings were conferred in almost every case on one simple condition; He required all who applied to Him to believe-and to those who were enabled to do so, His power was at once put forth. But there were seasons when His mighty arm seemed to be paralyzed, and when the flow of His omnipotent compassion was suddenly checked; and what was it that produced so strange a result? He could do no mighty works there — because of their unbelief. How necessary, then, is the prayer, Lord, increase our faith! Those who are strong in faith — can give their fears to the winds; they possess a shield with which they are able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one; and against the allurements of time and sense — they have a sure safeguard! For this is the victory that overcomes the world — even our faith. Well may the poet say, O could we but believe; Then all would easy be! There are two things to which faith has particular respect, namely — the divine power and the divine faithfulness. The question which the Redeemer put to the blind men was, Do you believe that I am able to do this? They at once replied, Yes, Lord! and according to their faith, it was done to them. The same question is now proposed to us — and happy are those who can exercise similar confidence. Those numberless sins of yours — do you believe that I am able to pardon them? Those evil propensities of yours — do you believe that I am able to subdue them? Those threatening disasters — do you believe that I am able to avert them? Those fiery trials — do you believe that I am able to support you under, and bring you safely through them? Let our answer be, Yes, Lord! for with You nothing is impossible, and You are able to do exceeding abundantly above all that I can ask or think! When He entered the house, the blind men approached Him, and Jesus said to them, Do you believe that I m able to do this? Yes, Lord! they answered Him. Then He touched their eyes, saying, Let it be done for you — according to your faith! Matthew 9:28-29 We are also to remember that His faithfulness is as great as His power. Not merely is He able to perform what He has promised — but He will surely do what He has declared. Let God be true, though all men were liars; for Him to deceive is altogether impossible; He will not allow His faithfulness to fail. God grant that we may be preserved from dishonoring Him by giving way to an evil heart of unbelief. While we doubt His Word, or cherish any secret misgivings in reference to His adorable character — how greatly do we sin against Him. We are all of us, truly guilty in this matter, and shame and confusion of face befit us in consequence. No wonder that our souls have been unblessed; no wonder that our prayers have been unanswered. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord! James 1:5-7
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 05:00:05 +0000

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