The Power of Prayer Fifth Sunday After Pentecost, June 23, - TopicsExpress


The Power of Prayer Fifth Sunday After Pentecost, June 23, 2013 Romans 12. 9 – 17 and Acts 4. 23 -31 When we look at the wish list for Christian behavior given to us in Romans 12, we recognize that to carry out all the things that a Christian is called to do requires God’s assistance. We need the help of the Holy Spirit if we are going to keep all the commandments, follow God’s law, and do the things that have become the mark of the follower of Jesus Christ. Let’s look at the list once more, a bit more closely. There are 23 items in all. Romans 12. 9-17: 1 –9a“Let love be genuine; 2 –9b hate what is evil, 3 –9c hold fast to what is good; 4 –10a love one another with mutual affection; 5 –10b outdo one another in showing honor. 6 –11a Do not lag in zeal, 7 –11b be ardent in spirit, 8 –11c serve the Lord. 9 –12a Rejoice in hope, 10 –12b be patient in suffering, 11 –12c persevere in prayer. 12 –13a Contribute to the needs of the saints; 13 –13b extend hospitality to strangers. 14 –14a Bless those who persecute you; 15 –14b bless and do not curse them. 16 –15a Rejoice with those who rejoice, 17 –15b weep with those who weep. 18 –16a Live in harmony with one another; 19 –16b do not be haughty, 20 –16c but associate with the lowly; 21 –16d do not claim to be wiser than you are. 22 –17a Do not repay anyone evil for evil, 23 –17b but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all.” These are not universal laws. You are not likely to encounter every one of these situations in any given day. But they are various opportunities for service that may come up from time to time. I think that our preparation for these various opportunities is to be in prayer, to ask God in advance for us to be able to do the things that the scriptures have outlined for us to do when these situations arise. Like Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, it’s up to us to be prepared. How do we prepare? Pray. The power of prayer makes us ready to do the Christ-like thing whenever the opportunity arises. In Acts 4. 23-31, when Peter and John return to the rest of the disciples and report all the things that had taken place that day, the natural response of the followers of Jesus was to turn to God in prayer. Now that Peter and John have reported in to the disciples gathered, they all are reporting in to God almighty. They note that just as David once asked, “Why are things so messed up and why do the nations seek to rebel against God’s love and sovereignty?”, so they are now asking the same thing. Herod, Pilate, the rulers of the temple and the gentiles all conspired to kill Jesus, and now, the followers of Jesus are attempting to carry out his mission of mercy, but they are still getting resistance. Finally, they conclude this reporting in with these words: Acts 4. 29-30: 29“‘And now, Lord, look at their threats, and grant to Your servants to speak Your Word with all boldness, 30while You stretch out Your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of Your holy servant, Jesus.’” What they are asking for is, even though the authorities are working against us, help us to be bold in our ministries. Help us be the means by which you continue to carry out your miraculous works. Help us to speak your name boldly. Help us be courageous witnesses for all you have done through Jesus Christ. When have you last reported in to your commander in Chief, Jesus Christ? When have you given your detailed accounting of your acts of ministry? When did you last mention the trials and resistance you have encountered to your ministry? Finally, did you ask God to help you be faithful? There is no ministry without prayer. We must have the power of God to carry out the works of God. All our ministries must be underpinned by prayer. And all the things we have accomplished must be punctuated in the end with our songs of praise and thanksgiving for what the Lord has done in our midst. Finally, let’s see what God did in response to their prayers: Acts 4. 31: 31“When they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the Word of God with boldness.” The place they were meeting in was shaken by the power of God. God was moving amongst them, and they felt God at work. Even though most of them had been filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, it happens again. A new filling of the Spirit comes at this time. This is an experience that Christians can expect and hope for: One baptism in the Holy Spirit, but many times we will be filled by the Holy Spirit again and again, so that we may be regenerated to do God’s work. Like a rechargeable battery, we need God’s power to enter into us again and again. For the purpose of speaking God’s name, the name of Jesus Christ with boldness. So that we can be ready to minister in one of 23 ways when the opportunity comes.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 00:43:26 +0000

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