The Power of TRUE Gratitude People talk about the power of - TopicsExpress


The Power of TRUE Gratitude People talk about the power of gratitude all the time. And many times, if we’re being honest, some might think, yeah, yeah, I know, I know, be thankful for what we have...if only we had something worth being thankful for. Should I be thankful for the disease I have? Or should I be thankful for the rickety old car I have to drive? Instead of giving you an emphatic...yes... let me use the power of this video to make a point. Now, I want to preface this video with this information. I saw this video on a viral Facebook post. The people who posted this video did it on a false premise but that’s okay because it’s the video itself that is so important. But just to satisfy your curiosity, the false premise is this...”The Most Gracious Little Boy Ever Receives A Cutting Board For A Gift Just To Test Him — And His Reaction Is The Best Thing - A young Argentinian boy was pranked by his parents on his birthday when he unwrapped a wooden cutting board they gave him.” The truth... The chopping board was not a prank, someone from the same country commented on the video. I tried to go back and find the same page so I could copy and paste the comment but was unsuccessful, but this is what was said in a nutshell. “Receiving the cutting board was not a prank. In this country we barbeque a lot and the chopping board means that you are welcome to eat the meat straight from the pit. It would be something like a coming-of-age custom, so that is why he was so grateful for the cutting board.” Like I say, it doesn’t matter, because the video still shows something very, very important. Watch the video now. It’s not very long. As I watched this video I realized it touched people because this small boy was so very grateful for both gifts. Obviously more excited about the second gift of course. Nothing wrong with that. He is so gracious and so humble and so thankful that it really touches your heart, doesn’t it? I thought to myself, this boy is so grateful it makes me want to find him and give him lots of others things he’s always wanted. That’s when it hit me. How grateful am I for the things I have, whether it be cutting boards or Ipads? When we are truly grateful, God, our Creator, Source Creator, the Universe, Father in heaven, Holy Father, however you might think of the energy that created our world, (for I think God doesn’t care what name you assign,) wants to give us more. Yet, God, being God, must obey the scientific laws of the Universe he created. He cannot give something of a certain vibration (for all is vibratory) to someone who is living in a different vibration. The vibration of gratitude, has a giant ability to attract more things for which to be grateful. And the stronger that gratitude, the stronger the vibration. When we learn this, many of us will immediately shoot ourselves in the foot. We think, okay, I’ll try to count my blessings so I can get more things. Good to count our blessings, but, there is a weak vibration in a fleeting gratitude given for the express purpose of getting more. That’s why I use the term being ‘truly grateful.’ Truly. We are touched by the boy in the video because he is truly grateful. He doesn’t simply toss one gift aside as he dives for the next one. Can we slow ourselves down long enough, and take time to be truly grateful? If my life was going to remain exactly as it is now, thinking I may pass on tomorrow, can I find true gratitude for what I’ve already received/accomplished? Here come the magic words...if I can ‘let go’ of what may come in the future, can I simply be grateful for what has already come? Isn’t it ironic how truly being grateful and really letting go of any other expectation is what will finally bring us every desire?! It happens all the time. Unable to get pregnant, a couple let’s go and adopts and then, find themselves pregnant. Unable to find a job, a guy gives up and comes up with new ideas and then the offer comes in. Unable to find a mate, a girl let’s go of the idea that she needs anyone and goes back to school, and meets the greatest guy. Didn’t you want to give that boy even more? How grateful are we for the things we already have? The next time we wonder why we arent receiving the things we desire, instead of being bitter, try to remember, God/the Universe wants to give us our every desire, but is waiting for us to give that certain vibration. It’s really up to us. (Eryn Clements I finally took time to write this blog post!)
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 16:04:48 +0000

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