The Power of Your Subconscious Mind Have you ever driven through - TopicsExpress


The Power of Your Subconscious Mind Have you ever driven through a wealthy neighborhood and noticed the beautiful big houses, the expensive cars, and wondered how the owners were able to afford such things? Have you ever fantasized of kissing your debts goodbye and living the life of which you’ve always dreamed? According to author, lecturer, counselor, business consultant, entrepreneur, and teacher Bob Proctor, these things are well within your grasp if you allow your subconscious mind to absorb it. The subconscious mind, where many of your unconscious thoughts lie, can be manipulated to influence your entire life by means of repetition and believing in what you are saying to yourself. For instance, if you feel that your life is in a downward trajectory, you can use your subconscious mind to influence how your life will play out. “It’s the images that you impress upon your subconscious mind that controls the (state) you’re in.” Amazingly, if you apply your hopes, dreams, and wishes upon your subconscious mind long enough, you may find yourself living in that very same neighborhood you drove through, with the nice car and beautiful house. But how is this really possible? Affirmations An affirmation is a phrase that is repeated daily that one uses to impress upon his or her subconscious. These affirmations can have a direct influence on how your subconscious mind influences your life. Bob Proctor himself, has used the affirmation, “I am so happy and grateful now, that money comes to me in increasing quantities, through multiple sources, on a continuous basis” and repeated it over and over again for years. While he acknowledges that it was illogical and everyone thought he was crazy, it changed everything for him. By getting emotionally involved with these affirmations, by believing in them whole heartily they carry on into the subconscious. “The body is an instrument of the mind,” says Proctor. Everything one person does, has to do with the mind. Even our surroundings are indicative of how things really are in our minds. If a person who is going through emotional duress has a cluttered and disorganized house, the state of the house is indicative of how things are going mentally with the person who lives there. As such, the mind can have the ability to do the same in a positive manner. If the mental state is manipulated to reflect positivity, the same can be achieved in that person’s surroundings. “The subconscious mind has no ability to reject,” states Proctor. “It will accept anything you give to it.” The possibilities are endless and it empowers you. If you truly put your heart into something, it can be achieved by the power of your subconscious mind. Everyone has heard the phrase, “Mind over matter” and that is exactly what Proctor is professing. The Paradigm A paradigm is a multitude of habits, planted into the mind, literally controlling one‘s behavior. Consciously, you have one idea, but subconsciously another idea is the force leading your life. “Your paradigm literally controls your results.” If you were to accept an idea to improve upon your life, your paradigm could possibly hinder you from achieving your goal. It controls your effectiveness, dictates your logic and the use of your time. Old habits die hard and in order to improve upon your life, you may need to take a step back, re-evaluate your path, and work on changing your paradigm. But how does one change their paradigm? You are taught from an early age certain things. You are told how to think, how to feel, everything down to language habits and those are habits that have been ingrained into your brain from day one. But there may occasionally be times where you think you believe one thing, while your paradigm believes another. The two must synchronize with one another and that is achieved through what is known as praxis. Praxis is the integration of belief with behavior. Proctor invites his viewership and readers to learn as he has, to change their paradigm and improve their lives. Changing the paradigm The mind is the most unique, complex, beautiful, and mysterious aspect of any one person. Every person has his or her own story and it can have everything to do with how their paradigms were formed. Statistically, many people who live with low incomes were raised in a similar environment. It may be due to the fact that the paradigms formed were directly influenced by values, habits and beliefs bestowed upon them from childhood, and those paradigms then led those people down similar paths. Making a conscious choice, thereby influencing the subconscious mind, can lead to a different, more prosperous life path. “How is the paradigm formed? Through the repetition of information. How is the paradigm changed? Through the repetition of information.” Proctor explains it to us and it makes complete sense. If you take your affirmation, repeat it every day, drilling it into your subconscious mind, drilling it into your very own paradigm, you can shift your life as you begin to believe in what you are saying. You can see that beautiful house. You know what kind of furniture you will fill it with. You know the year, make and color of your dream car in the driveway. If you can envision every detail and see it as though it is right in front of you, you can steer the path of your life in that direction. Life has a funny way of throwing a curve ball or two, but you can prepare yourself for anything if you put your mind to it. If you envision your best self, your best environment, you can directly influence the outcome of anything that is handed to you. You can thereby create a paradigm of prosperity, wealth, and overall well being The subconscious mind is more powerful than you think and you should explore it. You may find some very valuable things within yourself that can steer you in the direction of your life ideal.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 19:29:34 +0000

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