The Power of our Prayers on the Inner Net Yesterday I - TopicsExpress


The Power of our Prayers on the Inner Net Yesterday I mentioned the idea in my Reflections class that I would introduce a prayer – a single sacred thought – each day that we could all share or pray together. I am always talking about prayer and the power of prayer. I begin and end my radio show and my Reflections class with a prayer, as I do my day. I receive many, many emails from people asking me about prayer: How do I pray? Could you suggest some prayers for me? Do prayers really make a difference? Is there a God out there really listening? Why do prayers work? It’s very challenging to talk about the mysteries of prayer, faith, God, miracles, saints, and the nature of the invisible or parallel universe. It’s so obvious that we cannot see the Divine realm yet the thought that it is not there is absolutely terrifying. I have endless proof of the existence of the Divine, none of which I can actually prove or produce for any of you. That is the paradox of the inner spiritual life – it’s the quintessential personal experience. It is the ultimate mystery of mysteries. Since my early years as a medical intuitive, I have had conversations with people who have asked me questions that are essentially mystical in nature: Why is this loss happening to me? What is the reason for this tragedy in my life? What is my purpose? Most people encounter some type of experience – or moment of revelation – in which dwelling in the realm of the ordinary for the rest of their life becomes too much to bear. Tragedies or illnesses or a dark night of the soul bring a person to ask some form of a life-changing question, which is actually a prayer in disguise. Outrageousness, glamour, wealth, and other pleasures of the Earth might seem to be exit strategies from the realm of the ordinary, but every individual inevitably learns they are dead end streets. More stuff is just more stuff. The only way out is up – an ascension of perception, of consciousness and conscience. An individual must be willing to wake up and learn a new rule book about the nature of reality and truth. Life is not about what it can give you but about what you are able to give to others. You can be a “taker” all through your life – that’s true. And in that case, you need to script your life around a “taker’s strategy”: What can I get from this person? What’s mine? Can I get more than the other person? Trust and love for a Taker is a nightmare, not to mention nearly always a disaster. I’ve had so many encounters with “takers” in my life. I’ve had to ask people for money for educational programs. Education and helping the homeless are not just concerns for me; they are my life’s devotions. I asked one person who is a billionaire for an amount of money that she no doubt spent on her average shopping spree. It was then I found out she had never given to a charity in her life – in her life! Instantly I realized that in her mind, in her psyche, I was not asking for her money, but her power. It was incomprehensible for her to part with power. She never gave that meager sum to help educate a handful of students. Such is the mind of a taker, classic to that archetype. Takers eventually run out of steam. Givers, on the other hand, strategize their lives around utilizing the best of who they are and the talents they have. They still face endless obstacles but the forces in the parallel universe – the forces of grace on the Inner Net – can and do work wonders with Givers. When a person asks, “For what reason have I been born?”, that individual is seeking to make a deeper connect with his or her Giver. (The difference in life strategies between Takers and Givers is fascinating….another time). But this brings me to the subject of what I call the Inner-Net – not Inter Net – but Inner-Net. Carl Jung spoke of the Collective Unconscious and mystics have long spoke of the mystical law that All is One, but it is the Internet that has given us a physical experience of that mystical truth. We have manifested a technical expression of how we have always been connected on the Inner-Net – on the soul band. It’s incredible, really. Our thoughts reach each other like emails, both positive and negative. Our negative energies that we generate just within our dark moods, dark attitudes, dark judgments about other people in the world and other cultures get released as psychic free radicals in the collective unconscious, eventually uniting and becoming units of energy powerful enough to generate events in the physical world. Wars just don’t happen, in other words. They require energetic fuel. Prayers also travel through our Inner Net. Telling someone, “I’ll pray for you”, so often falls upon deaf ears, as if saying that means nothing, as if a prayer means nothing. But if you really could see clearly, every prayer said for you – for you - travels like a sparkling beam of sacred light, animated by Divine grace, and it pours directly into your being. Think of an email and how you hear some type of ring go off alerting you when a message has been delivered to you phone. Can you imagine hearing a sound every time a prayer or kind thought got delivered? Wouldn’t that be wild? I’ve told the story so many times in my workshops, which I will briefly repeat here, of the woman who drove me back to London after a long and very odd workshop who insisted on telling me her story. She had a near-death experience as a result of a very serious car accident that left her body crushed. While hovering over her bleeding body, she could hear the thoughts of the people in the cars now stuck behind her smashed automobile. One person said, “Damn, this is just what I need”; “Now I’m going to be late,” and so on. From the fifth car in line she saw a beam of light shooting up into the night sky and then beaming right back down to her body. She wondered what that was about and instantly she was next to a woman who was praying for her. She could hear the prayers the woman was saying. Then her angel said, “You have to return to your body now.” She wanted to remain next to this stranger in prayer but she knew she couldn’t. She had the thought, “Who is she?” Immediately she saw the license plate of the car this woman was driving. Six months later, after this woman had fully recovered, she used the license number of the woman in prayer to track her down. She showed up at her home with a bouquet of flowers to thank her for her prayers. I could fill pages and pages with similar stories…and I mean pages. But my intention is to inspire all of us – and all the many people we can gather together – to become conscious of the Inner Net we are already a part of and to feed grace of prayer into our Inner Net as a daily devotion to each other and to our global community. And further, let me suggest that for those who are in need of prayer, send in your grace request and imagine that you are attaching your prayer to a Inner Net prayer grid. If we could see life clearly – we would realize that we are all breathing together, that all life breathes together. I will submit a prayer each day. Keep that prayer in your heart. Think of it as uniting you with hundreds and then thousands and who knows how many other human beings. (Send this post out to every one you think might want to be on the prayer grid.) Blessings, everyone. Today’s prayer: I bless every one and everything I see today. myss/CMED/workshops/reflections/
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 21:11:17 +0000

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