The Prayer that Never Ends I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; - TopicsExpress


The Prayer that Never Ends I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. I keep the Lord always before me. Psalm 16:7-8 NRSV Most people bring their prayer to a close by saying amen. The word appears a hundred and fifty-one times in the Bible, and refers, to varying degrees, to telling the truth. In connection with prayer, people in the Bible used the word to mean Let it be true. or Let it be so. When we say amen in prayer, many of us act like our conversation with God has come to an end, so we move on with our day. Kind of like saying See you later. But what if you chose not to say amen? Without an amen, youll likely be much more aware of Gods presence with you throughout the day. Best of all, you may feel greater freedom to continue your conversation with Him. You can silently ask Him for wisdom during a meeting. Laugh together about some humorous situation. Or thank Him for the pasta recipe you discovered on the Internet. Isnt it amazing what a difference a little word makes (A Praying Heart, 2011)? Please feel free to share Gods word
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 23:45:39 +0000

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