The Precursor to My Next Rant October 16, 2014 Last night, I - TopicsExpress


The Precursor to My Next Rant October 16, 2014 Last night, I fell asleep while reading. I woke around 11:30 PM with my head flopped over to one side. Ouch. I got up to wash my face and brush my teeth; then I flipped on Fox Business to catch up on what was going on with the markets—to see the way this current and necessary market correction is playing out. I am by no means a market expert; I am simply an independent thinking individual who is in constant search of the truth through knowledge and fact. And I’ve been learning about this whole thing by watching the markets, since 2007. I also research and read a lot about whatever it is that I am interested in and/or I am following. Yesterday, the Asian markets lost about 140 points on the DOW. At midnight, the European markets were struggling to hold their heads above water—the DOW Future was around 41 to the positive, at 16055something. “Yep, it’s going to fall below 16000 before I wake—I am certain of that,” I said to myself. When I woke at 4 AM this morning, the DOW was in the negative 29 points; and within minutes it began falling lower. By 4:30 AM the DOW was down 89 points and dropping fast. It hit a negative 105 by 4:40 AM; but it was violently shooting up and down between the low marker points—just like yesterday—and hitting a negative 123 less than a minute later—only for it drop again, 30 seconds later, to -140. By 4:45 AM, the DOW Future was around 15800 and down nearly 200 points. By 5:00 AM, the DOW hit a temporary plateau between a negative 150 to a negative 160; and then began to creep upward. I could hear them all the way over here—“We can do it. We can do it. Just keep pushing. We can climb up to the ground floor. Go team go.” Yet the cheering was not enthusiastic; it was one of survival. Minutes later, the DOW was down 183 points. And about 5:20 AM the DOW was only down 112 points slipping to -137 a minute later. At 5:30 AM, it was up to being down only 105 points yet slipped to -137 within five minutes; and back up before plummeting to a negative 203 a couple of minutes later. Up, down. Up, down—that is exactly what happened in the European markets yesterday; and the DOW opened at 8:30 AM EST with its head just above water; yet a squid had hold of its ankle and it wasn’t going to let it go. Today there is a difference from yesterday; and the DOW will open triple digits in the red. Volatility is now the norm. With certainty, however, this volatility is a downward trend. I heard a market brief on “The Wall Street Journal Report” on WLS AM early this morning—Wall Street is now blaming part of the market volatility on emotional reactions to the Ebola scare. Righto—and my dead cat participated in the destruction of the tea party when he turned off the oven during Bourbon Night last Friday evening. He did! I swear! It is a scientific fact—I read on someone’s blog—93% of the time, Wall Street is lying to you. They can’t help it. It’s just what they do. This is a Bear market, Wall Street Bulls. Face the music, get off your back, leave Egypt and admit the truth—your Bull is toast. Profits are up; but how much of that is from their own stock buybacks in order to boost their stock price? As published in Bloomberg News on October 6, 2014, 95% of corporate profits are spent on stock buybacks. Harvard Business Review published an article in September stating: “Five years after the official end of the Great Recession, corporate profits are high, and the stock market is booming. Yet most Americans are not sharing in the recovery. While the top 0.1% of income recipients—which include most of the highest-ranking corporate executives—reap almost all the income gains, good jobs keep disappearing, and new employment opportunities tend to be insecure and underpaid. Corporate profitability is not translating into widespread economic prosperity. The allocation of corporate profits to stock buybacks deserves much of the blame.” Because the Fed thinks they are God; they will now eagerly raise interest rates to quell investment fears and give investors somewhere to put their money—preventing this so called deflation and strengthen the Dollar—and, hopefully, stall the market sell-off while waiting for a miracle—such as a new gizmos and gadgets bubble to float the market up—before they once again try to pull out of QE. Remember everyone; this market is over-inflated by $85-$105 Billion a month through Fed intervention. The market cannot stand on its own and hasn’t been able to stand on its own since 2009, when Quantitative Easing was first introduced, after the bailouts proved to be ineffective—but not really. The lie is that the bailouts saved the banking industry thereby avoiding economic collapse—because the banking industry determines the purchasing power of the majority because they create new money, like magic, when they approve new mortgages and new loans—and because they gambled all that new play money they created on the back of your hard earned assets, you had to save them so they didn’t lose their shirts so they could continue to use your hard earned assets to gamble it away again, just like they did before—because you’re too stupid to know any better; and because of that, they can give the bailout a new name, once again pulling the wool over your eyes—the stupid monkeys that you are, as they think of you. About a month or so ago, I posted a picture of bags of play money hanging on a rack in a store for purchase. There were no words accompanying the photo I posted—just the image of a bag of 100 plastic pennies with a purchase price of $3.49. And they say there is no inflation; and, simultaneously, no real fear exists for deflation. Are you kidding me? Before I end this blab, I want to say one more thing about the current market crisis and the inevitable Fed interference/intervention that will follow—and that is “Derivatives.” My next rant will include “Derivatives”—the real reason behind “QE-to-infinity-and-beyond”—a reverse Robin Hood approach and what the 99% pay for—placing the millions of all newborns trillions and trillions into debt in favor of lining the pockets of the big banks—and all done simply to cover the gambling debts of those same big banks who were the recipients of the big tax payer bailouts—the ultimate in patronage—yet done on the guise of “saving the banking industry” from collapse caused by a run on banks because the banking idiots—that really are not because they got to use your money free of charge to gamble; and then you paid them back for losing your money—over-leveraged those magically created new loan dollars in the derivatives market; and in some cases, they were over-leveraged 100-to-1—precisely why the bailouts came to be that morphed into Quantitative Easing to trick the majority—those that actually drive the economy and keep it moving forward—into thinking it wasn’t another bailout when it really was and still is six years later. And six years later, the big banks are doing the exact same thing that led to the big bailouts in 2008; except they are no longer giving loans to monkeys who can’t pay the mortgage. And you can ultimately blame it all on Alan Greenspan’s creations that date back to the mid-late 1990’s—a creation that Paulson exploited and further hoodwinked the general populace into the Big Bailouts to cover up for that exploitation, Bernanke used to rape the public and steal from the National Treasury, and Yellen most likely will expand on and follow the actions of the prior two—such anticipated ‘reactions’ that yet remain to be seen. Yesterday, I was irritated about hearing this guy talking on Fox Business—on Maria Bartiromo’s show—that “deflation” is what we need to worry about and why the Fed will inevitably step up with further QE and not pull out as planned at the end of this month—deflation, deflation, deflation is what he kept saying. Then many other talking heads unoriginally repeated it—the monkeys that they are. Some of the most intelligent people are the ones who are the most stupid—the most ignorant—especially cable TV talking heads, and those really smart people with money on the brain who are selfish. These types eagerly and wantonly bought into, and are still buying into, the bailout hyperbole and the need for Quantitative Easing—the outright BS that it is—because what drives them is protecting their own financial security; and not what is right. They are not interested in learning the truth—cause and effect—they are only interested in protecting themselves. And because of that, wrong decisions are made that inevitably hamper the purchasing ability of the majority that actually steer the economy, yet the selfish ones can’t see that—they are blind to the truth of the cause and its inevitable effects by their own selfish perception. And they persist in “chasing effects,” constantly trying to manipulate and control them—that which is impossible—though never knowing the truth—never getting it—and trudging along in ignorance because of it. They are the ones who are hoodwinked by the banksters into thinking that by rescuing the bankers from the bankers’ own greed; that will help their own financial situation by saving the economy from collapse thereby saving their own investments. Then those same talking heads and the money on the brain people go around promoting what they falsely believe to those who blindly legislate or put policy in place—those who then go to the voting populace to sell it to them after the fact; and tell them, “But we had to do this for your own good—to save you from the economy failing because we didn’t do what we did—we had to cut off your legs to save your feet.” You see—I said to the three blind mice that had their tails chopped off because they are stupid—it is all driven by selfishness and greed. Few pursue the truth—to make efforts solely driven by the intent to do what is right for the whole; therefore, the effects are never understood and the majority is ignorant because of it—because they are stupid monkeys and think with their ears—because they are lazy minded and choose to follow the ignorant who sound like they know what they are talking about; or for the fear of the repercussion they’ll suffer by not going along with the pathetic status quo manner of thought, because they are weak and just want a banana. I’m getting irritated again.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 17:47:04 +0000

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