The Prelude to World War 3 Writing this is undoubtedly going - TopicsExpress


The Prelude to World War 3 Writing this is undoubtedly going to cause me to lose favour with some people never the less whilst freedom of speech is still permitted I shall proceed . You see ive had enough of this poorly scripted play thats been written out which is going to lead us all into World War 3 . The pantomine that Im alluding to is this whole Islamic State saga thats being played out . With the latest chapter to evolve being the ALLEDGED execution of the American journalist. The beheading of Mr Foley well its certainly had its desired effect which was to whip up another frenzy of crys for war SHOCK and AWE as they say . I have some points of observation to bring to your attention and had I of been granted a audience with our illustrious leaders some questions I would of liked to put forward to them 1:If he had been held captive for two years in horrific conditions then why did he look so healthy in the photos prior to the execution ? -Those that have spent even a day in prison or a night camping youll agree that you dont wake up looking your best 2:Why is he clean shaven ? Are you going to be led to believe that they decided to shave him so that he would look clean and presentable before his death 3:Bare in mind we have been told that weeks before the execution took place special forces went in to Syria to search for him ., with that said why did his captives put the most brightly covered boiler suit on him . Any kidnapper worth his salt would of dressed him in the local attire to blend in reducing the risk of being caught 4:Why has the UK police force threatened imprisonment to anyone who attempts to view the beheading ?bare in mind fb has made it legal to post the most horrific videos and images for all ages to see . Could it have anything to do with the fact that the video looks completely fake and people may start seeing through their web of lies . 5:Take time to study the mans face in the photo , he has a knife held to his throat does is that the face of a man who is about to have his head hacked? off I think not 6:Before you say well there is a photo of his head on his body explain that Ben ....well lets remember the people who are writing these scripts run Hollywood its very easy for them to stage a event using computer editing and make up 7:They have already put together a global manhunt for the executioner . With that said someone please tell how on earth with in one day did they find out his name was JOHN and he belongs to a gang in LONDON called the bloody BEATLES ?are these people having a laugh at our expense who writes this script . They couldnt of chosen a more English name and band to inbed into your subconscious minds the words ENGLISH MUSLIM and TERROSIST . They should of just gone all out and named the executioner Albert and called his band the Rolling Stones. Now you would be well within your rights to accuse me of being disrespectful towards the ALLEDGED deceased, I will make no apologies . If I and those I love and care about are to be led into World War 3 which will effect every single one of our lives , then I have the right to question events and bring it to the attention of those that will listen . ONLY a few may of read this but hopefully it would of planted a seed to able you to see through the bullshit the mainstream media is feeding you . Our way of living is on the brink of changing forever, please lets be individuals and not conform to what they are drip feeding us when we do that we have lost the battle . Thanks for reading
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 19:03:37 +0000

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