The President Nigeria needs @ 54: Will any of these - TopicsExpress


The President Nigeria needs @ 54: Will any of these contenders,pretenders meet the bill? THE Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), on Thursday, officially lifted the embargo on campaigns for the 2015 general elections. Thus, the hordes of presidential contenders and pretenders in the polity are legally free to market their potentials to the electorate. In doing so, Nigerians are expected to seek out the best among the aspirants and thrust upon him the onerous task of charting the way forward for the country, which after 54 years of independence is plagued by basic challenges. Nigeria’s needs and challenges At 54, an average woman is a grand-mother, who has seen it all and is at a vantage position to nurture younger women. Comparatively, Nigeria is a toddler at 54. The country, arguably, is yet to become a nation. Ethnic conflicts and civil unrest characterised by loss of precious lives still hallmark the polity. In spite of huge human and natural resources, Nigeria is one of the poorest countries on earth. Currently, 10.5 million school-age children are out of school. An additional 17 million housing units are direly needed to accommodate the estimated 178 million population. Sadly, an average of 74 infants die out of 1000 live births. And 630 out of 100,000 women that visit the labour room to give birth die after delivery. Currently, 48 million Nigerians are considered to be without jobs while an estimated 58 million are poor because they live on less than $1.25 a day. Of the 10,000 mega watts of electricity needed daily to ensure steady power only about 4000MW is currently distributed with the attendant socio-economic drawbacks. Nigeria-@-54On May 29, Nigerians would have shot themselves on the foot if the person they swear in as president did not have answers to these challenges and more. Nigeria needs a president who can fight corruption aggressively without fear or favour, halt the flickering flames of Boko Haram insurgency and ethnic unrest and ensure political stability. He must be a bridge-builder acceptable to most parts of the country and under whose watch, the country can evolve into a nation capable of harnessing her abundant human and natural resources for the betterment of the about 178 million citizenry. The presidential contenders and pretenders Currently, the names of 11 Nigerians have been mentioned in connection with the 2015 presidential election billed for February 14, 2015. Those said to be interested in being the chief occupant of Aso Rock include President Goodluck Jonathan of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Alhaji Atiku Abubakar of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Major General Muhammadu Buhari (APC), Mr Sam Nda-Isaiah (APC), Adams Oshiomhole (APC), Musa Kwankwaso (APC), Rochas Okorocha (APC), Dr Abdul Jhalil Tafawa-Balewa (PDP), Senator Bukola Saraki (APC), Hon Aminu Tambuwal (APC) and Mr. Sam Nwanti of the Mega Progressive Peoples Party, MPPP. Of the lot, Buhari, Atiku, Oshiomhole, Nda-Isaiah, Tafawa-Balewa and Nwanti have declared their intentions to run. President Jonathan has been adopted by the PDP as its sole presidential candidate, a move that Dr Tafawa-Balewa has vowed to overturn at the party’s presidential primaries. The likes of Kwankwaso, Okorocha, Tambuwal and Saraki are yet to make their intentions known and are said to be neck-deep in consultations. The looming battle“Since the ruling PDP adopted incumbent President Jonathan as it’s flag bearer in the 2015 presidential election, the onus has been on the opposition to pick a credible candidate that will give him a run for his money. In that camp, the APC is the only formidable party that has all it takes to challenge and possibly, overthrow the ruling party which has been holding sway since 1999. To that effect, a line -up of presidential hopefuls have taken the centre-stage and their supporters are beating up the drum to warm up for the primaries. Buhari, Oshiomhole, Atiku Abubakar and Aminu Tambuwal are in the spotlight as possible contenders for the presidency. But which of these can challenge the incumbent in the forthcoming general elections? Who will fly the APC presidential flag come 2015? This retired General and a former military ruler is perceived by many as the most qualified to fly APC’s flag in the 2015 elections. From the beginning of the democratic dispensation, General Buhari has been a regular feature in the scheme of things. He contested the presidential election as the candidate of the then All Nigeria People’s Party (ANPP) but was defeated by PDP’s Olusegun Obasanjo by a margin of more than 11 million votes in 2003. His attempt to get victory through the courts failed and in 2007, he was nominated again as the consensus candidate of the ANPP and contested alongside PDP’s late Umaru Musa Yar’ Adua who hailed from the same home state of Katsina. Yar’Adua won. General Buhari left the ANPP in 2010 to form the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC), which he perceived as a solution to the debilitating, ethical and ideological conflicts in his former party the ANPP. He contested the April16, 2011 presidential election against incumbent President Jonathan of the PDP; Nuhu Ribadu of ACN, and Ibrahim Shekarau of ANPP. In that election, Buhari won 12,214,853 votes, coming next to the incumbent President Jonathan of the PDP, who polled 22,495,187 votes and was declared the winner. In the forthcoming election, those drumming support for his candidacy as APC flag bearer believe his candidature would guarantee a lot of things, including massive support from the North-West and North-East because, according to them, most people in the North still see him as the messiah and would go out en masse to vote for him any day. He is also perceived in many quarters as the only person whose qualities are antithetical to anyone the PDP would bring forth. But APC is known to be experiencing implosions in many quarters and in choosing it’s presidential candidate, a rancorous primary would not be completely ruled out. Indeed, Nigerians are watching its nomination process as a litmus test of whether or not the party will respect its own constitution and shame it’s traducers to prove its commitment to a credible and transparent nomination process. General Buhari’s supporters at present are doing everything to ensure that he wins the Presidential ticket in a democratic manner. A staunch supporter reportedly said: “You can only envisage what would happen if the party failed to field Buhari. Remember that there are many people who joined the APC because of Buhari and they are ready to do everything for him. So, it’s something we have to manage very well. In fact, I can tell you emphatically that the unity of the party would be greatly affected if Buhari is not picked as our presidential candidate.” Buhari’s greatest contender in the primaries would be a man in the mold of Atiku Abubakar who has also tested power as Vice President in a democratic experiment. As it is, it would be a disaster should APC gamble in presenting an electable candidate that can defeat the PDP. Governor Rabiu Kwankwaso of Kano State has been painting Nigeria red with his ‘Nigeria Project 2015’, the presidential campaign organisation. His supporters believe he has a willing spirit to change the history of the country for the better, having shown and giants strides in his developmental projects in Kano State, ranging from education, housings, roads, jobs, empowerment programmes,street lights, scholarships and flyovers. His supporters are optimistic that Kwankwaso will beat President Goodluck Jonathan in a free and fair election next year. In Kano state, Kwankwaso is noted to have exhibited prudence in handling the finances of the state. His supporters believe that Kwankwaso will make a world of difference that would crush insecurity, corrosive corruption, controversial arms deal, ethnocentrism, religious intolerance and the consequent degeneration of the social fabrics holding the nation. He was one of the PDP governors that decamped to APC. He has afterward expressed confidence that the ruling party would be defeated in the next elections. “Since the five governors decamped from PDP to APC, I told Nigerians that PDP will become a weaker party whose democratic value will erode. Now the stakeholders of the party have come out to say that they have chosen President Jonathan as their party’s sole presidential candidate without going for primary election”. Kwankwaso said PDP’s inability to apply democratic principles while choosing a flag bearer as a way portends victory for the prospective APC candidate. “I am assuring you that APC leaders are committed to do justice in all of the forthcoming party primaries be it at state and National Assemblies, governorship and even that of the presidential election”, maintained Kwankwaso, even as he stated that “the party will give everybody, especially delegates the right to choose the best candidates.”“ Aminu Tambuwal—Sitting on the fence His controversial alliances with top APC members have put him on the spotlight as APC presidential hopeful for 2015 general elections. Though the Speaker of the House of Representatives denied attending any meeting with members of the APC, he has been severally mentioned to be secretly eying the number one position in the country in 2015. Even though he is still a card-carrying member of the PDP, his body language and attitude suggest otherwise. He is perceived to be holding on to PDP as a result of his current position as the Speaker in the lower chamber of the National Assembly. Generally, Aminu Tambuwal sits on the fence as far as the ruling party and the opposition are concerned. Tambuwal is believed by many to be secretly holding talks with APC through some of its key actors. It is particularly believed that APC is liaising with Tambuwal through the Sokoto state governor, Aliyu Wamakko.“However, Tambuwal’s media aide, Imam Imam has severally dismissed allegations that Tambuwal is eying the presidency in 2015 or having alliances with APC.“Tambuwal is considered in many quarters to possess solid character content to sway the support of Nigerians for his candidature in the presidential election. One of his strongest points is his perceived independent disposition in the management of the affairs of the House, particularly his courage in shunning the interference of the PDP leadership and the Presidency in its affairs. Top APC stalwarts believe the Speaker has what it takes to win the presidential election and therefore has told him to dump his party, PDP and move into APC to enable him scale the hurdle. It is also believed that before the next elections, Tambuwal will declare for APC with some other members of the House. What many perceive impossible is the likelihood of other presidential contenders stepping down for him. Some APC top notchers consider it impossible for the party to risk its chances at the election by settling for Tambuwal as his candidacy according to them would be a high risk on the part of the opposition. Edo state governor, Adams Oshiomhole recently shocked observers when he submitted a letter of intent to the national leadership of the APC to contest the 2015 presidential election. He has also reportedly intensified consultations with stakeholders across the country, including former presidents halfway through his second tenure as Edo governor. This is not the first time the former labour leader is indicating interest in contesting presidential election. He first of all started his elective office ambition with indicative interest in the presidency before coming down to contest governorship election on the advice of his supporters who did not see a presidential opportunity for him then. To indicate his willingness to abandon his current position as Edo governor for a higher office, Oshiomhole has reportedly scheduled a time table for his nationwide consultation meeting with APC governors, former presidents, opening of his campaign headquarters in Abuja and Edo State and setting up of committees that would soon be made public. The presidential hopeful according to reports will use his former governorship campaign office as his presidential campaign office in Edo State. Although Oshiomhole may be popular across the country, one cannot say for sure how far he will go in his presidential ambition in the next election as other political heavy weights in his party are equally eying the same position. It is also in doubt if he could stop the incumbent President Jonathan from getting another term in office. Reacting to this presidential bid, his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Kassim Afegbua, said Oshiomhole has the pedigree to run for the highest position in the country and therefore, people should not be surprised if he decides to join the race. “It is by mere looking at the unfolding po­litical scenario in the country and the level of leadership atrophy that we have. The political leadership at the federal level needs some level of bite and courage, some level of bril­liance and energy to contend with the chal­lenges confronting us as a nation. We need leaders that are ready to die for us, who are also ready to sacrifice their lives for us. And Oshiomhole is such a leader.” Adams Oshiomhole ran for Governor of Edo State under the Action Congress Party in April 2007 but the PDP Candidate, Oserheimen Osunbor, was declared the winner. He went to the tribunal and on March 20 2008, an Edo State election tribunal nullified Osunbor’s election and declared Oshiomhole the winner. On November 11, 2008, a Federal Appeal Court sitting in Benin City upheld the ruling of the State’s Elections Petitions Tribunal, declaring Oshiomhole the Governor of Edo State. In 2012, he was re-elected to a second term, winning the elections by a landslide. He has not completed his second term in office . Will he emerge APC presidential flag bearer at the primaries or will he stand down for another? Aso Rock is a very familiar terrain for former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, who recently declared his intention to contest for the upcoming 2015 presidential elections on the platform of the APC. He made this declaration at the Yar’Adua Centre, Abuja. In his speech, Atiku acknowledged the struggles of being a Nigerian and the need to stand firm in the face of adversity and underdevelopment. One of his cardinal points is youth economic empowerment as he regards the youths as the fulcrum around which the development and future of Nigeria revolve. The former Vice President according to a statement issued on his behalf is concerned about the alarming youth unemployment and he focuses on his policy objectives on the development of entrepreneurial skills for youths so that they don’t have to depend entirely on the limited, if not elusive government jobs. Part of his declaration speech at Eagles Square read: “In spite of the many challenges we face, it is quite remarkable that our people have refused to give up on Nigeria. It is inspiring that amidst difficulties and growing anxiety over the future of our country, our people have refused to succumb to despair and hopelessness. This never say die attitude gives me immense hope and it is one of the reasons why I can never give up on Nigeria. The glaring mismatch between our potentials and achievements has become for many a frustrating puzzle; for others it is a topic for national debate; and yet for another group, it is doomsday lament. But as a progressive and open minded Nigerian, I consider it a golden opportunity and a bitter sweet chance to display our courage, rekindle our innovative instinct, showcase our character and turn the Nigerian dream into reality.” Will PDP governors, others deliver Jonathan? Having got all arms of the PDP to adopt President Goodluck Jonathan as the sole candidate of the ruling party, the major hurdle before the Governor Godswill Akpabio-led PDP Governors Forum (PDPGF) is to get the president re-elected. “The PDPGF, a creation of the Presidency had since its inception last February not hidden its intention to ensure a fresh mandate for Jonathan in 2015.“Indeed, the Akwa-Ibom governor had in his inaugural remarks as PDPGF chairman said: “We are ready to stand solidly behind the leader of the PDP in the nation. Mr. President, we have never failed in supporting any president in power. We always respect and support any president in power. When our late President Yar’Adua was in power, there was no single PDP governor that challenged him, either on the pages of newspaper or at any meeting. We evenwent to the extent of organizing prayer for him and we supported all his policies; yours cannot be different. Leadership comes from God and He gives it to whom He pleases.’’ “Since then, the forum had kept its word, backing the president during the Nigeria Governors Forum (NGF) crisis. It also served as backbone for the president in the PDP, which it displayed on September 17 when it adopted Jonathan as its consensus presidential candidate. It got Jigawa State Governor, Sule Lamido, who wanted to run to drop his ambition for Jonathan. At the September 17 meeting were 14 of the 18 PDP governors and four deputy governors. They among others urged all PDP faithful to support their gesture which “should enable the President to become the sole presidential candidate of the PDP come 2015.” “The governors’ path was toed by the National Executive Committee (NEC and Board of Trustees (BoT). Thus at the December 6 PDP presidential primaries, Jonathan’s candidacy will be ratified by affirmation. “Presenting the PDPGF’s position at the NEC meeting, Niger State Governor, Babangida Aliyu said: “The PDP governors have decided to endorse Mr. President as sole candidate. It was taken without any reservations, it was unanimous. We shall go into this election as a united front, to win more states than we have now. We have agreed to win back our mandate in Kano, Sokoto, Adamawa, Kwara and Rivers states.” Will the PDPGF, which also has the backing of the governors of Anambra, Ondo and Ekiti governor-elect deliver their states for Jonathan and get him re-elected? Only time will tell.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 20:01:16 +0000

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